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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

Communication toolkit for contractors – data protection and websites

Data protection

In case you are managing a contract with several communication activities, you may have to collect personal data for events, meetings, interviews, consultations, subscriptions to newsletters, etc. You may also be collecting personal data to conduct studies or analysis in the framework of your contract with CINEA. Personal data is any data that identifies or allows the identification of a natural person  (data subject). Identification may be direct or indirect, including factors specific to his or her physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity (e.g. name, photo, phone number, staff number, CV of an applicant/tenderer).

Please check carefully the section below. You will find templates at the end of this section that you can customise to your activity.

Events and communication activities

Whenever you organise events on behalf of CINEA, or deal with communication-related activities implementing your contract, you should produce a data protection notice and make it accessible to data subjects (natural persons whose personal data is processed).

To help you in this process we have prepared a template that you can customise according to your activities (see section “Templates & useful links” below) as well as examples of consent forms. Please get inspired by details provided in the template and adapt it in relation to your activity. Please keep only what is relevant for you in your specific case. In case of doubt, please contact your Contract Manager in CINEA.


If you are managing a contract with several communication activities, you will likely create a website or online platform to manage the communication with all stakeholders. In this case, it is also important to publish a data protection notice (DPN) on your website so that it is available to end users visiting your page.

In the Templates & useful links section below, you will find a general DPN template as well as one specific for communication activities, including websites.