Clean Energy

Supporting the construction and upgrade of sustainable energy infrastructure projects; as well as cross-border projects in the field of renewable energy

Supporting the transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy system and use

Facilitating investment in renewable energy projects to encourage a greater uptake of renewable energy sources across the EU

Facilitating the transition toward an energy-efficient, renewable energy-based economy

The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings - LIFE
Climate, Environment & Maritime

Developing mitigation and adaptation strategies and policies tackling the global climate crises

The EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action

Supporting a sustainable blue economy with targeted actions in the field of the Union’s Maritime Policy, the Common Fisheries Policy and the EU international ocean governance agenda

Contributes to greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction by supporting projects like carbon capture and storage, innovative low-carbon technologies, generation of renewable energy and energy storage

Together with the Just Transition Fund (Pillar I) and the InvestEU Scheme (Pillar II), the Public Sector Loan Facility is the third pillar of the Mechanism, which supports a fair transition towards a climate-neutral economy, leaving no one behind

Green Advisory Service for Sustainable Investments Support