On 2 October 2024, CINEA and the European Commission's DG MOVE organised an information session to present the 2024 CEF Transport calls for proposals. A total of €2.5 billion is available for projects to build and modernise European transport infrastructure.
The info day guided applicants through the priorities of the calls, explained the application and evaluation process, including the award criteria. It provided tips and shared lessons learnt from previous CEF Transport calls on how to prepare and submit a successful proposal.
Participants could ask questions via sli.do using until 30 September at 17:00 CEST (Brussels time).
- transport policy
- Wednesday 2 October 2024, 10:00 - 14:00 (CEST)
- Live streaming available
- 10:20 - 10:40 (CEST)Railway transport
Presentation - Recording timestamp 28:35
- Railway projects on the Core and Comprehensive Networks (CORECOEN, COMPCOEN)
- European Rail Traffic Management Systems (ERTMS) (SIMOBGEN, SIMOBCOEN)
- Actions related to Removing Interoperability Barriers (REMIB): deployment of applications in compliance with the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI), and Digital Automatic Coupling for rail freight (SIMOBGEN)
- 10:40 - 11:10 (CEST)Road transport and multimodal freight terminals
Presentation - Recording timestamp 45:11
- Roads and multimodal freight terminals projects on the Core and Comprehensive Networks (CORECOEN, COMPCOEN)
- Intelligent Transport Services for road (ITS) (SIMOBGEN)
- IT platforms in accordance with the eFTI Regulation (SIMOBGEN)
- Safe and secure parking infrastructure (SAFEMOBGEN, SAFEMOBCOEN)
- Road safety (SAFEMOBCOEN)
- 11:10 - 11:30 (CEST)Maritime and inland waterway transport
Presentation - Recording timestamp 01:06:07
- Maritime Ports projects on the Core and Comprehensive Networks (CORECOEN, COMPCOEN)
- European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe) (SIMOBGEN)
- Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information Systems (VTMIS) (SIMOBGEN)
- European Maritime Space/Short-sea shipping (SUSTMOBGEN)
- Inland waterways and inland ports projects on the Core and Comprehensive Networks (CORECOEN, COMPCOEN)
- River Information Services (RIS) (SIMOBGEN)
- 11:30 - 11:40 (CEST)Break
- 11:40 - 12:00 (CEST)SESAR
Presentation - Recording timestamp 01:42:40
- Single European Sky Air Traffic Management (SESAR) (SIMOBGEN)
- 12:00 - 12:20 (CEST)Sustainable and safe mobility cluster
Presentation - Recording timestamp 02:10:06
- Multimodal passenger hubs (SUSTMOBGEN)
- Actions improving transport infrastructure resilience (SAFEMOBGEN,SAFEMOBCOEN)
- Actions adapting the transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes (SAFEMOBGEN)
- 12:50 - 13:30 (CEST)The evaluation process, award criteria and CBA
- Admissibility & eligibility with lessons learns for applicants - presentation
- Award criteria with lessons learnt for application, including climate proofing of infrastructure - presentation
- Cost-Benefit Analysis for works proposals - presentation
Recording timestamp 02:41:44
Practical information
- When
- Wednesday 2 October 2024, 10:00 - 14:00 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
The Transport sector of the Connecting Europe Facility is the key EU funding instrument for the completion and modernisation of the trans-European transport network with a focus on the development of the European Transport Corridors. It provides funding to projects of common interest that enhance multimodality, improve resilience of transport infrastructure, and deploy ICT systems for a sustainable, smart and resilient mobility in Europe.
For the period 2021-2027, the CEF Transport budget is €25.8 billion. In total, €21 billion have been allocated to projects for the Trans-European Transport Network in the EU Member States and (since 2023) in the CEF associated countries of Ukraine and Moldova.
Since 2014, CEF has supported over 1 500 projects with €37 billion in the CEF Transport sector.
The calls for proposals is launched for projects under the General and Cohesion budgets of CEF Transport. CINEA is managing the promotion of calls and the evaluation of proposals submitted. Once awarded CEF funding, CINEA prepares the grant agreements with the beneficiaries and supervises the implementation of projects in cooperation with the concerned stakeholders.