European Framework Programme for R&I - Innovation Fund Synergies Workshop - European Commission Skip to main content
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European Framework Programme for R&I - Innovation Fund Synergies Workshop

The focus of the workshop is to gather participants from mature R&I projects funded under EU R&I funding programmes (notably Horizon 2020) to explore funding opportunities under the Innovation Fund to deploy their technologies.

On 8 February 2023, the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), the European Commission's DG Climate Action and Research and Innovation organised a half-day virtual Workshop on Innovation Fund synergies.  

The focus of the workshop was to gather participants from mature R&I projects funded under EU R&I funding programmes (notably Horizon 2020) to explore funding opportunities under the EU Innovation Fund to deploy their technologies.

Fully virtual, selected participants presented online their ideas. The workshop was webstreamed, please find the recordings of the sessions in the programme below.

During the workshop some of the questions were answered live. Please find here the Q&A document gathering all the questions. 

  • clean technology | EU financing
  • Wednesday 8 February 2023, 09:30 - 13:15 (CET)
  • Online only
  • Live streaming available


  1. 8 Feb 2023, 09:30 - 09:45 (CET)
    Welcome & Opening


    • Paloma ABA GARROTE - Acting Director, CINEA

    General high-level opening remarks:

    • Clara DE LA TORRE - Deputy Director General, DG CLIMA
    • Joanna DRAKE - Deputy Director General, DG RTD


  2. 09:45 - 09:55 (CET)
  3. 09:55 - 10:15 (CET)
    Rationale for Workshops & Synergies Strategy

    Explaining overall importance & policy priority of synergies between EU funding programmes. Overview of specific actions taken so far to promote synergies between R&I results and the Innovation Fund

    • Alan HAIGH - Senior Expert, Policy Adviser – Horizon Europe, Deputy Director-General: Implementation, Impact & Sustainable Investment Strategies, DG RTD
    • Jose JIMENEZ MINGO - Policy Officer, Low Carbon Solutions (II): Research & Low Carbon Technology Deployment, DG CLIMA 


  4. 10:15 - 11:15 (CET)
    Innovation Fund
    • General overview of funding opportunities at the Innovation Fund
    • Lessons learnt from past calls


    Maria VELKOVA - Acting Head of Unit, Low Carbon Solutions (II): Research & Low Carbon Technology Deployment, DG CLIMA

    Roman DOUBRAVA – Head of Unit, Innovation Fund, CINEA  


    • Presentation of H2020 projects that have successfully benefitted from Innovation Fund support
    • Questions and answers


  5. 11:15 - 11:20 (CET)
    Overview of Horizon 2020 Portfolio
    • Presentation of where/in which areas of the Horizon 2020 project portfolio sees the most scope for synergies with the Innovation Fund
    • Overview/breakdown of projects of attending participants & how participants will be split into breakout rooms

    Philip HAWKINS - Policy Officer,  Low Carbon Solutions (II): Research & Low Carbon Technology Deployment, DG CLIMA

    Streaming link

  6. 11:20 - 11:30 (CET)
  7. 11:30 - 12:30 (CET)
    Parallel Breakout Sessions - Overall introduction

    Session 1: Low-carbon technologies in energy-intensive industries & Carbon capture, use and storage (CCUS)


    Session 2: Renewable energy generation


    Session 3: Energy storage & hydrogen


  8. 12:30 - 12:35 (CET)
  9. 12:35 - 13:05 (CET)
    Closing session - Key conclusions

    Summary of the key conclusions of each session 


  10. 13:05 - 13:15 (CET)
    Closing Remarks
    • Overall conclusions & next steps

    Alexandre PAQUOT - Director, Innovation for a Low Carbon, Resilient Economy, DG CLIMA


Practical information

Wednesday 8 February 2023, 09:30 - 13:15 (CET)
Online only
