INEA has invited 70 applicants to submit full project proposals to the second and final stage of the Innovation Fund call for large-scale projects. These proposals have been selected as the best among the 311 applications received for the first stage. The proposals cover many sectors and are located in a large number of Member States. The deadline for the submissions is 23 June 2021.
This first call for large-scale projects makes available a total budget of €1 billion to invest in innovative, market-ready projects such as clean hydrogen or other low-carbon solutions for energy-intensive industries like steel, cement and chemicals, as well as projects in innovative renewables, energy storage and carbon capture, use and storage.
Twenty-three proposals are potentially eligible for project development assistance to improve their maturity. They are now being further screened by the European Invesment Bank with a view to coming to a decision on project development assistance in the coming weeks.
How will proposals be evaluated in the second stage?
As for the first stage, the projects will be evaluated by independent external experts. The Commission is continuously looking for new experts through a call for experts with expertise in a wide range of fields. If you fit the profile and would like to be considered for evaluations, please sign up in the Participant Portal.
Check INEA's website and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for updates on the selection process and for information on upcoming funding opportunities.
Next events
On 15 April 2021, INEA and DG CLIMA are organising a webinar to facilitate the preparation of the Innovation Fund applications for the second stage. Further information on how to participate and agenda following this link.
We are also planning an online event on 28 April to share lessons learnt from the first stage of the application process of the first large-scale call, as well as to present a deeper analysis of the applications received for the first small scale call under the Innovation Fund. More information will follow soon.
- Publication date
- 26 March 2021