Filter by Keywords Status Upcoming and ongoingPastToggle dropdown Event type Conferences and summitsExpert meetingsTraining and workshopsToggle dropdown Event date SelectAfterBeforeIn betweenToggle dropdown Date End Date Subject climate changeenergy transitioncircular economyclean technologyclimate change policyenergy cooperationenergy efficiencyadaptation to climate changebiodiversityblue economychemical industryenergy industryenergy marketenergy researchenergy unionenvironmental policyenvironmental protectionfisheries policyforestinclusioninnovationintelligent transport systemlogisticsmarine and aquatic researchmaritime economynature restorationoceanplastic wastereduction of gas emissionsroad safetyroad transportsustainable forest managementsustainable mobilitytransport researchurban transportwaste recyclingToggle dropdown Venue Basque Country Technology Park, Vitoria-Gasteiz Charlemagne (170 Rue de la Loi, Brussels) and Sparks Meeting (60 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels)Charlemagne building Charlemagne BuildingLisbon The EggToggle dropdown Online type LivestreamToggle dropdown Programme European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) (2021/2027)Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2021/2027)Innovation Fund (IF) (2021/2027)Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) (2014/2020)Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE) (2021/2027)The framework programme for research and innovation (Horizon 2020) (2014/2020)Toggle dropdown Programme Sectors ClimateEnergy UseEnergyEnergy EfficiencyEnvironmentMaritimeTransportToggle dropdown Synergy Clean EnergyClimate, Environment & MaritimeSustainable TransportToggle dropdown Search Clear filters Events (13) RSS Showing results 1 to 10 Status Upcoming and ongoing 20-28Nov-Feb2024-2025Training and workshopsThe PLAN4CET Transition Expert Series - 5 Webinars Online onlyLive streaming available10-12Feb2025Expert meetingsPlatform Meeting – Plastic waste prevention and reuse systems 11-13Feb2025Conferences and summits#RTR2025: Road Transport Research conference 2025Brussels, Belgium17Feb2025Expert meetingsSounding board on key outcomes from the LIFE Midterm Evaluation Study Online only17Feb2025Training and workshopsWebinar on the Evolution of sufficiency policies in Poland Online only18Feb2025Training and workshopsRedBosques_Clima webinar: Forest adaptation to climate change from Mediterranean region perspective Online only19-20Feb2025Conferences and summitsThermal Energy Decarbonization Summit 2024 (TEDS24)Spain19Feb2025Expert meetingsIndustrial Energy Efficiency: Bi-Monthly open discussion forum 03-07Mar2025Conferences and summitsEuropean Ocean Days19Mar2025Conferences and summitsThe European Climate Pact event 2025: Together in action Brussels, BelgiumLive streaming available 1Page 12Next
20-28Nov-Feb2024-2025Training and workshopsThe PLAN4CET Transition Expert Series - 5 Webinars Online onlyLive streaming available
11-13Feb2025Conferences and summits#RTR2025: Road Transport Research conference 2025Brussels, Belgium
17Feb2025Expert meetingsSounding board on key outcomes from the LIFE Midterm Evaluation Study Online only
17Feb2025Training and workshopsWebinar on the Evolution of sufficiency policies in Poland Online only
18Feb2025Training and workshopsRedBosques_Clima webinar: Forest adaptation to climate change from Mediterranean region perspective Online only
19Mar2025Conferences and summitsThe European Climate Pact event 2025: Together in action Brussels, BelgiumLive streaming available