Timeline – 2022 invitation to submit a proposal
The 2022 SGA Call is restricted to the organisations that were selected following the LIFE operating grants Call for proposals in 2021 and signed an FPA in Q1 2022. Framework partners will receive an invitation to submit an SGA proposal, including a link for the preparation and submission of their proposal via the F&T portal.
Provisional timeline
- mid-May 2022Launch of SGA invitation (sent to framework partners only)
- 21 September 2022Deadline for applications
- September-October 2022Evaluation
- November 2022Notification of evaluation results
- November 2022SGA revision
- December 2022SGA signature
Next open call for proposals
The next call for proposals for operating grants in support of non-profit-making entities will be published in Q2 2024.
We advise potential applicants to read previous calls, in particular to check the eligibility of your organisation.
In previous years, any applicant had to:
- Be a non-profit-making legal person;
- Be independent, in particular from government, other public authorities, and from political parties or commercial interests;
- Be primarily active in the field of environment and/or climate action and have an environmental/climate objective which is aimed at:
- the public good,
- sustainable development, and
- the development, implementation and enforcement of European Union environmental and/or climate policy and legislation;
- Be established (legally registered) in one of the European Union Member States;
- Be operating at Union level with a structure and activities covering at least three European Union Member States.
For reference purposes only, you may look at the 2021 Call for proposals for Framework Partnership Agreements.
Please note that from this call onward, we switch to an electronic submission system, using the funding and tender portal of the European Commission. You can already familiarise yourself with the system via the Funding & tender opportunities portal.