The Innovation Fund projects are required to actively disseminate the acquired knowledge and to carry out activities to support the scaling up to a commercial size and to accelerate deployment and commercialisation of the proposed technologies.
The collated information is used on one hand to provide policy feedback and on the other to support fellow Innovation Fund projects, industrial stakeholders and future applicants.
CINEA and the knowledge sharing framework ensures the respect of confidentiality of commercially sensitive information.
Activities within the knowledge sharing framework include:
- Closed door events between Innovation Fund projects – publicly accessible summaries of these events are made available
- Open door events to share knowledge, strengthen synergies with other EU funded projects and Member States and support the dissemination of the generated knowledge
- Information on the Innovation Fund project portfolio
Annual knowledge sharing report
Discover intelligence gathered by the Innovation Fund portfolio of projects in the 2024 knowledge sharing report. It can help other projects looking for best ways to deploy innovative low-carbon technologies and minimise risks associated with scaling up.
Open door events
- 11 April 2024
Cleantech conference: Driving sustainable innovation
How to boost cleantech manufacturing in the EU- 8 February 2023
Horizon Europe and Innovation Fund synergy workshop
- 19 January 2023
Financing cleantech conference
- 26 February 2021
From NER 300 to the Innovation Fund: knowledge-sharing for innovative clean tech projects
Closed door events
- 21 March 2024
Knowledge sharing workshop on Renewable Energy Value Chain - Key takeaways to strengthen the renewable energy value chain in Europe (workshop summary)
- 28 November 2023
Knowledge sharing workshop on CCS - Realising opportunities along the value chain (workshop summary, presentations and slide pack: Capture, Transport, and Storage)
- 10 October 2023
Knowledge sharing workshop on energy storage - Key takeaways and best practices to reach financial close (workshop summary)
- 19 September 2023
Knowledge sharing workshop on hydrogen - Main challenges in reaching financial close and ways to tackle them (workshop summary)
- 30 March 2023
The emerging EU CO2 transport and storage market (workshop summary, presentations and background documents)
- 15 September 2022
Main challenges in reaching financial close and ways to tackle them (workshop summary and presentations)
- 15 February 2022
Knowledge sharing workshop on CCS Directive - Innovation Fund and Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) (workshop summary)