CINEA manages the CEF grants stemming from the 2021 calls onwards under the eGrants system, which is the Commission's corporate IT tool for managing the full life-cycle of projects (calls, evaluations and grants).
The CEF FAQs page is regularly updated and provides information and support on all aspects. Users may search questions by keywords or categories and it is possible to download a list with the questions/answers.
All Reference Documents are available and sorted by category. The selection decisions for Transport and Energy are also available.
The online manual, available in the Funding & Tenders opportunities portal, includes all the necessary information - from applying for funding to closing a project - and is the reference point for any questions and guidance concerning grant management.
For easier reference, you will find below direct links to the relevant sections of the online manual, as well as “CEF specific guidance” and additional clarifications (where needed)
For any communication with CINEA, please follow the instructions provided under the section Communication with the granting authority.
Grant preparation: CINEA has prepared a video presentation with additional guidance.
At the page How to prepare an amendment you will find relevant information on:
- Amendment types,
- The amendment information tabs, and
- How to apply the changes for the amendment
When preparing amendments pay specific attention to:
- Steps to be completed before requesting the amendment, notably in case of new Beneficiaries/Affiliated Entities, and new bank account;
- The steps necessary to submit an amendment. Find relevant guidance at How to launch an amendment.
As beneficiary you are invited to preferably inform CINEA Project Officer (PO) of your intention to request an amendment and before “launching a new amendment” in e-grants/SyGMa. You will then agree together on the timing and next the steps forward.
Note on extensions:
The duration of grants may be extended in duly justified cases, for reasons that could not be foreseen before the signature of the grant.
The (justified) extensions should in principle and cumulatively not exceed 12 months for studies and 24 months for works and in the cases where the end date was already postponed during Grant Agreement preparation, the extension will be calculated from the end date of the project as presented in the application (proposal). Normally, the extension should not result in additional reporting periods and the additional duration should be accommodated by extending the last reporting period or by extending more reporting periods, as appropriate.
Where possible, extensions should take place towards the end of the projects, possibly combined with other changes, to rationalise the administrative burden.
The continuous reporting module isavailable during the entire project duration. CINEA has prepared a specific page on this with additional guidance.
Communicating your project — Acknowledgement of EU funding: Beneficiaries of EU funding must display the EU flag and funding statement ("Funded by the European Union" or "Co-funded by the European Union"), available on European Flag (