CEF: Continuous reporting on milestones & deliverables - European Commission Skip to main content
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

CEF: Continuous reporting on milestones & deliverables

The continuous reporting module is available during the entire project duration. 

For CEF projects there are five tasks:

  1. 1 - Update the Project summary

    Find relevant guidance at Completing Project Summary

    This task should be completed at the end of each Reporting Period.

    Moreover: regarding the 'Context and overall objectives' please use the project summary from Part A of the Grant Agreement.

  2. 2 - Update the Deliverables:

    Find relevant guidance at Completing the deliverables

    This tab should be continuously updated. Moreover, please:

    • If necessary, use the box Comments to provide complementary information when submitting deliverables
    • Consider using the Front Page to allow clear identification of each deliverable
    • Find the template for the Progress Report deliverable at CEF Reference Documents(Templates & forms > Project report templates > Progress Report (CEF))
    • Inform CINEA PO in case of significant delays of the deliverables’ due date
  3. 3 - Update the Milestones:

    Find relevant guidance at Completing the Milestones. This tab should be continuously updated.

    Moreover, please use the box Comments to provide complementary information if applicable. The The means of verification should be made available only on request by the PO.

    Inform CINEA PO in case of significant delays of the milestones’ delivery date.

  4. 4 - Critical risks:

    Find relevant guidance at Completing the Critical Risks. This task should be completed before submission of the Progress Report deliverable (if any) and at the end of each Reporting Period.

  5. 5 - Technical progress:

    Find relevant guidance at Completing the Technical Progress Report (Connecting Europe Facility).

    This task should be completed at the end of each Reporting Period.