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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • News article
  • 7 February 2024
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • 2 min read

A networking meeting brings LIFE and other EU funded projects using Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) closer to EU policy makers

From cheese production to shoes, 13 LIFE and 8 non-LIFE projects participated in the Networking Meeting – LIFE and the PEF with the European Commission, to discuss best practices and challenges related to the PEF method. 

woman picking fruit from a street-market
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Numerous LIFE and non-LIFE projects implement the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF), a Life Cycle Assessment-based (LCA) method recommended by the European Commission. The PEF is used to assess the environmental performance of products (goods and services) and reduce environmental impacts throughout value chains.  

Held online from 30 to 31 January, the Networking Meeting – LIFE and the PEF gave a platform for 21 project coordinators and teams using PEF to present their achievements and give feedback to DG Environment and the Joint Research Center (JRC) working on PEF’s development and implementation. More than 50 participants joined the event.  

During the first morning, the projects showcased a variety of methods to implement PEF in multiple sectors, notably the agri-food sector. Projects such as LIFE AQUAPEF demonstrated that the PEF can even target the environmental impacts of aquaculture farming. One key talking point was the need for environmental labels, and how they should be developed through stakeholder consultation processes and aligned to existing regulations. LIFE MAGIS showcased the Made Green in Italy (MGI) initiative, aimed at evaluating and communicating the environmental performance of Made in Italy products. Promoted by the Italian Ministry of the Environment, it developed an MGI certification to be used on the market, involving companies and consumers, directly or through their associations.   

The second day focused on discussing challenges and best practices to overcome them. Participants were split into three working groups addressing data, methods, and uses of PEF. All participants agreed on the importance of PEF for harmonising LCA, and the need to streamline and promote the consistent use of PEF across countries and sectors. These discussions will also be used to inform the review of the PEF recommendation, planned by the end of 2025. 

Commenting on the meeting, “The partners who keep working on PEF had the opportunity to have a view on how PEF is used in different fields, get inspirations and contacts, in addition to some policy-related updates from DG ENV and JRC,” said Sara Cortesi, LIFE MAGIS representative.  

Reflecting on the event outcomes, “it was a perfect occasion for the participants to get an overview of innovative PEF-related activities being conducted in LIFE and other EU-funded research projects, and for EU policymakers to discuss with actors that apply the policies in the ground,” said Cesar Seoanez, Project Adviser, CINEA and co-organiser of the event.  

Other LIFE projects featured in the Networking Meeting included LIFE CO2PES&PEF; LIFE DOP; LIFE ECO FOOD CHOICE; LIFE EFFIGE; LIFE GOAST; LIFE GreenShoes4All; LIFE I'M-TAN; PlastLIFE; LIFE Superlist Belgium; LIFE TTGG; and More LIFE to LEVELs. Non-LIFE EU-funded projects included CALIMERO, CIRC4LIFE, EU4Environment, FOLOU; and LCA Foodprint.  


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