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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • News article
  • 16 December 2021
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • 1 min read

5th PCI list data available on CINEA’s Transparency Platform

CINEA has released on the Transparency Platform all the updated data on the recently adopted 5th list of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs).

5th list of PCIs
European Commission

The list, compiling projects to implement cross-border energy infrastructure in the EU, was adopted by the European Commission on 19 November 2021. It includes a total of 98 projects: 67 projects in electricity transmission and storage, 20 in gas, 6 CO2 network projects and 5 smart grid projects. PCI projects are eligible for financial support from the EU's Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

The new list includes PCIs aiming at reinforcing the internal market, guaranteeing security of supply, ending of energy isolation and dependency,   and supporting renewable energy integration to achieve the decarbonisation targets  of the EU.

The release of this information allows stakeholders and citizens to access detailed data about the Energy PCIs, including the geographical representation, the technical description, the duration of the project and the status of the PCI implementation.

Besides the update on PCI data, the Transparency Platform has been further improved by implementing additional functionalities. By way of example, henceforth users can do multiple selection criteria, get information on CEF funding for the relevant projects and access to more tailored export functionalities that will allow them to create and print their own maps.

More information about PCIs

The PCIs are key infrastructure projects aimed at completing the European energy market in order to help the EU achieve its energy policy and climate objectives: affordable, secure and sustainable energy for all citizens, as well as the long-term decarbonisation of the economy in accordance with EU Green Deal. Energy infrastructure is a key enabler for the energy transition as reflected in the Commission’s communication on the European Green Deal and a Clean Planet for all (COM(2018) 773 final).

Projects selected as PCIs can automatically benefit from many advantages stemming from the Trans-European Network - Energy (TEN-E) Regulation, including an accelerated permit granting and improved regulatory treatment. Projects on the list can also apply for financial support under the CEF Energy programme. CEF Energy has a grant budget of  €5.84 billion for the period 2021-2027 and has been set up to support studies and construction works in the areas of gas, electricity, smart grids and CO2 networks. Grants are awarded through competitive calls for proposals managed by CINEA.
