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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • Project

DIGNITY - For a more inclusive transport system

Connecting the dots between the digital revolution, sustainable transport and vulnerable travellers.

Dignity project
© Dignity project

'Dignity' is defined as "the importance and value that a person has, that makes other people respect them or makes them respect themselves". And these values are at the very core of DIGNITY – a project with a vision of a digital transport system where the dignity of all people is recognised, regardless of age, income, social status, ability or disability.

'DIGNITY' stands for DIGital traNsport In and for socieTY. Over the course of three years, the consortium behind this EU-funded Horizon 2020 project combined their research efforts on developing a more inclusive digital transport system.

DIGNITY first set out to identify the challenges and disparities in the uptake of digital mobility services. The project mapped digital transitions from multiple perspectives: end-users, transport operators, digital mobility products and service providers and policy makers. 

Piloting solutions

Four pilot cities/regions – Barcelona (Spain), Tilburg (Netherlands), Ancona (Italy) and Flanders (Belgium) tested the multi-phase approach that involved: 

  • Analysing the digital gap – what are the main excluding factors for vulnerable groups in mobility?
  • Bridging the digital gap – evaluation of inclusivity levels in products and services currently available
  • Testing solutions – co-creation of inclusive digital mobility solutions
  • Validation and fine-tuning – evaluation of the impact on the digital gap and sharing of best practices to apply in other contexts after the end of the project

Concrete results

Through a web-based Learning Community Platform, DIGNITY makes available its innovative inclusive design guidelines, policy recommendations and decision support toolkits to make digital travel solutions truly accessible for all.

At the project's closing event held in Brussels on 7 December 2022, coordinator Silvia Gaggi from ISINNOVA underlined how DIGNITY was never just an acronym but rather the essence of the project itself:

"Our goal was to to ensure that everyone is able to travel with 'dignity', regardless of digital skills, income, education, physical impairments, race or gender!"



CORDIS project factsheet

DIGNITY project website

This "Results in Brief" article is reproduced courtesy of © CORDIS




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