Call for proposals for the EU Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism - European Commission
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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

Call for proposals for the EU Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism

Based on the binding commitments from the host and contributing countries, the European Commission launches a call or several calls for proposals. The tendered good is defined in terms of capacity (MW) or production (MWh) and the tender volume is defined in terms of budget (€). Depending on the specific call design, it may be technology specific or multi-technology. The call documents include these and other specifications of the tender.

A typical call of the EU Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism is price-based, targeted at capacity and follows the pay-as-bid principle, where the awarding criteria is focused on the lowest submitted bids.

Therefore, if all conditions specified in the call text are respected, applications are selected starting from the lowest to the highest price.

The eligibility requirements include that the projects is located on the territory of a host country that participates in the specific call.

Any legal entity interested in developing the project based on the specifications set out in the call document may be eligible. Check out the upcoming and open calls for proposals below.


Below you can find the schedule for the current call:: 

Call opening30 July 2024
Deadline for submission4 March 2025 – 17:00:00 CET (Brussels)
EvaluationMarch-June 2025
Information on evaluation resultsJune-July 2025
GA signatureDecember 2025

Second call for proposals

The second call for proposals based on 2024 commitments opened on 30 July 2024 and will close on 4 March 2025. Applications have to be submitted via the call page in the EU Funding and Tender Portal.

For this second call, Luxembourg participates as a contributing country, voluntarily contributing EUR 52.4 million to the mechanism. Finland and Estonia are the hosting countries.

The call supports new solar PV projects located in Finland and new onshore wind projects located in Estonia. The call requirements can be found at the following link

For any queries, you can email CINEA directly at:

Upon the call closure, the European Commission will evaluate the proposals and award the grant to the application(s) that best meet the criteria. Applications are assessed against eligibility and selection criteria. These criteria focus on the applicant itself.

Secondly, applications are assessed against the award criteria. These criteria focus on the proposed application and typically focus on the alignment of the proposals with the call objectives; its quality and maturity. If the quality of the proposal is sufficiently demonstrated, the project will be ranked based on the price offered. The eligibility, selection and award criteria are always specified in the call text.

Following the Commission decision on the grants award, applicants will be in touch with CINEA in order to prepare and finalise the Grant Agreement.

More in details, the grant award procedure is described in articles 15-23 of the RENEWFM Regulation.