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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
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Study on improvement for the analysis and exploitation of observer reports in EU fisheries from NW African waters



ISBN: 978-92-9460-200-8, doi: 10.2826/435195
Publication date
23 March 2021
Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


The availability of detailed information on fishing activities and the biology of exploited species is an essential element for fishery resource assessment. Given the diversity of the fleets operating in the Atlantic waters of West Africa, obtaining this information is a challenge. 

The protocols for mixed Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreements (SFPAs) in West Africa (Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal and Guinea-Bissau) include provisions for observers from these countries to join EU vessels. Member States (MS) must also provide biological information from the exploited resources, under the EU Multi-Annual Programme (EU MAP) for the Data Collection Framework (DCF). For vessels that operate and unload their catches outside EU waters, this information can only be obtained from scientific observers. Although such observer data is analysed, there is considerable scope for further analysis to maximise information obtained. It is therefore necessary to ensure the observer schemes obtain complementary information to provide the data necessary to formulate relevant fisheries management advice in the region. 

The main objective of this Specific Contract is twofold: a) to scrutinise and deeply analyse the available information in DG MARE and MS in order to maximise its use; b) to critically analyse the content of these reports to identify strengths and weaknesses in data coverage, with a view to establish a standardised manual for the use of the observers. 

Study on improvement for the analysis and exploitation of observer reports in EU fisheries from NW African waters_1


  • 15 JANUARY 2020
Study on improvement for the analysis and exploitation of observer reports in EU fisheries from NW African waters