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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
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New CORDIS Results Pack: Heat pumps promoting clean and energy efficient solutions for households

This new brochure showcases seven projects managed by CINEA and funded under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation funding programme, which demonstrate the EU’s firm commitment to expanding the heat pump sector.


SBN 978-92-78-43664-3, doi:10.2830/810124, ZZ-AK-23-013-EN-C
Publication date
23 October 2023
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency


The EU’s Heat Pump Action Plan to accelerate roll-out across the EU includes the Heat Pump Accelerator partnership that will bring together the Commission, EU Member States, industry experts, financial institutions and training providers from across the entire heat pump value chain.

Heat pumps using green electricity can therefore play a major role in supporting this goal. Heat pumps offer a mature technology that is more efficient than using boilers, by extracting energy from the outside air or ground to warm the inside of a home or workspace. They can also work in reverse, to cool a building by transferring heat from indoors to the outside air or into the ground. Heat pumps have an important role to play in our net zero future.

This new brochure showcases seven projects managed by CINEA and funded under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation funding programme, which demonstrate the EU’s firm commitment to expanding the heat pump sector.

This Results Pack is available in six languages (DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, PL).

New CORDIS Results Pack: Heat pumps promoting clean and energy efficient solutions for households


  • 23 OCTOBER 2023
New CORDIS Results Pack: Heat pumps promoting clean and energy efficient solutions for households