Future uses/needs of the seas: Integration of climate-smart trends and new technologies in maritime spatial planning - European Commission Skip to main content
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Future uses/needs of the seas: Integration of climate-smart trends and new technologies in maritime spatial planning

Background Technical Study


ISBN 978-92-9405-146-2, PDF HZ-01-24-013-EN-N , doi:10.2926/8586762
Publication date
29 October 2024
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency


The study provides an overview of climate-smart actions and values in plans per country, focusing on climate change mitigation (low-carbon pathways) and adaptation - enhancing resilience of maritime activities, marine/coastal areas and ecosystems, as well as communities’ socio-economic resilience to climate-related risks. 

The role of blue carbon ecosystems (seagrass beds, salt marshes, etc.) as pivotal components of nature-based solutions to climate change, offering both mitigation benefits and enhancing resilience, is highlighted in the study. However, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as well as conservation and restoration are not considered at length given that the minimum 30% protection with the required allocation of space for ecosystem protection will be part of MSP at the EU scale. Innovations in fisheries technology for sustainable Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007 (Studies & articles) 9 fisheries management are also not examined. 

The study focuses on uses in the early stages for which the space reserved is relatively uncertain, subject to social and environmental concerns, and which will require the identification and allocation of space in the future.


  • 30 OCTOBER 2024
Future uses/needs of the seas: Integration of climate-smart trends and new technologies in maritime spatial planning