Programmes - European Commission
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An official website of the European UnionAn official EU website
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency


CINEA plays a key role in supporting the EU Green Deal through the efficient and effective implementation of its delegated programmes. 

Clean Energy


The European portal for energy efficiency in buildings - LIFE

Climate, Environment & Maritime

logo life

The EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action

Innovation Fund Generic

Contributes to greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction by supporting projects like carbon capture and storage, innovative low-carbon technologies, generation of renewable energy and energy storage

JTM generic

Together with the Just Transition Fund (Pillar I) and the InvestEU Scheme (Pillar II), the Public Sector Loan Facility is the third pillar of the Mechanism, which supports a fair transition towards a climate-neutral economy, leaving no one behind

Green Assist Generic

Green Advisory Service for Sustainable Investments Support

Sustainable Transport

HE Mobility - Generic

Developing solutions and services for clean, competitive, safe, smart and resilient transport and mobility - Horizon Europe programme