Innovation Fund Project Portfolio - European Commission
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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

Innovation Fund Project Portfolio

Discover country-specific information in the country fiches and interactive data on the Innovation Fund in the project portfolio dashboard.    

Country fiches

Discover Innovation Fund projects implemented in your country. 

Country fiches

Project portfolio dashboard

The Innovation Fund project portfolio dashboard is an intuitive and interactive reporting platform containing project data.  

Innovation Fund dashboard

The self-service window of the dashboard allows you to create your own customised charts, plots or pivot tables. 

Self-service window

When in doubt with terminology, check the glossary.


Navigation guidelines:

  • The navigation among the pages can be performed using the arrows (< >) at the upper right-hand side.
  • The dashboard offers a series of predefined filters which are available in the upper part of each page.
  • To apply one of the filters, simply select the category and choose an option from the drop-down list. The filter gives the possibility to select one or more values. Your current selection is indicated in green, while the non-selected options are shown in light grey.
  • To exclude a value from the selection, select first the dimension that you want to exclude, then perform an alternate selection.
  • The active selection is visible on the upper left-hand side of the page.
  • To get back to the main page simply press on the “x” in the upper left corner and all filters will be removed.