The Transparency Platform is a public information system that provides detailed information about Projects of Common Interest (PCIs), including their geographic records, technical description, implementation plan and dates, the benefits they bring to Member States, and the local communities and the Union financial support. This information is available to every EU citizen in line with the TEN-E Regulation (Art.18).
The Transparency Platform provides up to date information for each of the PCIs in the latest PCI list published by the European Commission. A project fiche and the implementation plan are also available for each of the PCIs. In addition, the completed projects from previous PCI lists are displayed. For projects in the electricity and gas sectors, information on the results from the cost-benefit analysis on the basis of the methodology drawn up pursuant to Article 11 of the TEN-Regulation can be found on ENTSO-E and ENTSOG websites. The underlying grid is based on information related to electric power and natural gas networks in Europe, Russia and the Middle East from S&P Global PLATTS Geospatial Database.
The infrastructure types shown in the PCI Transparency platform include all the detailed infrastructure items that are part of PCIs, in line with the general infrastructure categories as defined by TEN-E Regulation Annex II but not limited to them.
CINEA maintains this service to enhance public access to information about these initiatives and European Union in general. Our goal is to keep this information timely and accurate. However, CINEA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information on this site. Information displayed at the viewer is downloadable and it can be reused if reference is mentioned.