Last month, CINEA’s representatives visited the locations of SINCRO.GRID, a project of common interest in the field of smart grids aiming at increasing the security and efficiency of operations of the Slovenian and Croatian electricity systems simultaneously.
SINCRO.GRID, funded by the Connecting Europe Facility Energy programme since 2016, is the first European project to implement a virtual cross-border control centre (VCBCC) and a dynamic thermal rating (DTR) into the electricity grid infrastructure.
The phase 1 of the project is foreseen to end in March 2022 and CINEA’s representatives went onsite to visit the implementation and progress of the works in the two countries.
During the visit, the beneficiaries presented the functionalities of the VCBCC that links the electricity systems of the two countries and integrates key features such as the dynamic thermal rate, the new compensation devices for reactive power control and the battery storage systems installed within the scope of the Action. The first part of the visit took place in Croatia, in the substations of Mraclin and Melina where the variable shunt reactors installed were operational.
In Slovenia, the visit included an innovative weather station (which gather real-time data of the grid used by the DTR) and three substations: Okroglo, where there is a battery energy storage system; Divača, where they visited two operating compensation devices; and finally Beričevo, where beneficiaries presented the progress of work for the installation of the last compensation device to be installed in Slovenia within the scope of the Action.
Overall, SINCRO.GRID aims at improving the voltage quality and frequency control, as well as increasing the capacity and flexibility of the network for a more reliable supply and larger quantities of electrify coming from renewable energy sources.
More information
On 21 September, SINCRO.GRID presented the project results at the Central and South Eastern Europe energy connectivity. The main points about the project and its impact are compiled in this video, and updates are regularly added to their website.
- Publication date
- 14 October 2021