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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • News article
  • 22 October 2024
  • European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • 1 min read

CEF Energy: new CB RES Project List enters into force

CB RES renewables

The European Commission announced in July that three more projects had obtained the status required to be part of the new List of Renewable Energy Cross-border Projects (CB RES List) under the Connecting Europe Facility for Energy (CEF Energy). The new CB RES List was published in the EU official journal on 1 October and is entering into force today, 22 October 2024. 

The list, launched for the first time in August 2022 and updated in September 2023, has now a total of eight projects that, thanks to the official CB RES status, are eligible for financial support for studies and works under the CEF Energy Programme. Furthermore, they benefit from higher visibility, increased investor certainty, and stronger support from Member States.

Opening of call for proposals

As a result of the new list entering into force, the call for proposals for Studies & Works for cross-border renewable energy projects has been opened. There is EUR 80 million available under CEF Energy and applicants can submit their proposal by 16 January 2025.

Only the eight projects in the CB RES List can apply, as their status guarantees that these projects will help to fill a gap of regional renewable electricity production, contribute to an open electricity market, increase Europe’s energy independence, and reduce fossil fuel consumption by decarbonizing the energy sector.

Projects can apply for funding to carry out studies or to implement works: 

  • 'Studies' include activities needed to prepare cross-border RES project implementation, such as preparatory, mapping, feasibility, evaluation, testing and validation studies, including in the form of software, and any other technical support measure, including prior action to define and develop a cross-border RES project and decide on its financing, such as exploration of the sites concerned and preparation of the financial package. A study could cover in-depth investigation and exploration of the risk factors of a project e.g. safety, technical, environmental, regulatory, economic or legal issues to determine whether and how the project should be implemented.
  • 'Works' include the purchase, supply and deployment of components, systems and services including software, development, construction and installation activities relating to a CB RES project, the acceptance of installations and the launching of a CB RES project.

Check the calls: 
