LIFE projects for the Alps - European Commission
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LIFE projects for the Alps

The event aims to highlight the importance of LIFE as the only EU funding instrument dedicated specifically to the environment and climate action, also for achieving the environmental objectives of the Alpine Convention at the territorial level.

On 25 March 2025, the side-event “LIFE projects for the Alps” will be held in Rome – at Palazzo Valentini of the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, “Sala Mons. Luigi di Liegro” – with the possibility of attending remotely, as well. 

The event is part of the 81st Permanent Committee meeting of the Alpine Convention, which will launch the activities of the two-year period 2025-2026 of the Italian Presidency of the same Convention, and is co-organized by the Italian Delegation within the aforementioned Permanent Committee and the National Contact Point team of the LIFE Programme in Italy, both structures operatingat the Directorate General for "European, International Affairs and Sustainable Finance" (AEIF) of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE).

The side-event aims to highlight the importance of LIFE as the only EU funding instrument dedicated specifically to the environment and climate action, also for achieving the environmental objectives of the Alpine Convention at the territorial level. 

The event will include kick-off sessions that offer: an overview of the environmental priorities of the Italian Presidency of the Alpine Convention for the next 2 years; an accurate presentation on the LIFE Programme and its potential to support actions for the protection of the Alpine area – with particular attention to biodiversity conservation and the fight against climate change in this area; a description of the services offered by the various LIFE National Contact Points across the EU and third countries participating in LIFE, with the relevant case study on Italy.

Afterwards, ample space will be given to 5 LIFE projects in the field of “Nature and Biodiversity” and “Climate Change” carried out in the Alpine territory (LIFE Lynx, LIFEstockProtect, LIFE FOR LIFELINES, LIFE PASTORALP and LIFEalps), with coordinating beneficiaries from 3 countries party to the Alpine Convention  (Italy, Slovenia and Austria), and there will be the opportunity for “informal networking” with the representatives of these projects during the scheduled Coffee break. 

A further working session will be dedicated to a “panel discussion” on the lessons learned from the LIFE Programme and the opportunities to capitalize on its contribution for transforming the Alps into a model region for a sustainable future. In this session it will be possible to listen to the opinion of representatives of important international, European and national institutions and bodies that are, in various capacities, involved in the implementation of the Alpine Conventionand LIFE. 

The final agenda is available here and the link to attend the event remotely

Register now.

  • biodiversity | environmental protection | environmental policy
  • Tuesday 25 March 2025, 09:03 - 13:00 (CET)
  • Rome, Italy
  • Live streaming available

Practical information

Tuesday 25 March 2025, 09:03 - 13:00 (CET)
Sala Mons. Luigi di Liegro
Via IV Novembre 119/a, Rome, Italy
English, Italian
LIFE projects for the Alps - side event