Innovation Fund: meet the grant-funded projects under the Innovation Fund’s first large-scale call - European Commission Skip to main content
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Innovation Fund: meet the grant-funded projects under the Innovation Fund’s first large-scale call

Three of the first seven successful projects under the Innovation Fund’s first large-scale call are coming to Brussels to sign their grant agreements and present their activities.

These projects aim to bring breakthrough technologies to the market and demonstrate the potential for clean tech investments in Europe.

At the same time, Executive Vice President Timmermans will participate in the signature ceremonies for two more projects (Hybrit and BECCS) in Stockholm. On 4 April, a signature ceremony for the project SHARC will take place in Helsinki. The signature ceremony for the project K6 Program will take place later in the year.

  • clean technology | EU financing
  • Friday 1 April 2022, 10:00 - 15:30 (CEST)
  • Live streaming available

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Friday 1 April 2022, 10:00 - 15:30 (CEST)
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