An Info Day about two new calls for proposals under the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) took place on 24 November 2022. The two calls are “Blue careers for a sustainable blue economy” and “Regional flagships projects supporting sustainable blue economy in EU sea basins”.
They opened on 13 October 2022, with the deadline on 31 January 2023. Apply now!
The presentations can be found in the programme below and you can watch the recording of the info day here.
- maritime economy | regional cooperation
- Thursday 24 November 2022, 09:30 - 17:00 (CET)
- Brussels, Belgium
- Live streaming available
- 24 Nov 2022, 09:30 - 10:15 (CET)Registration and Welcome coffee
- 10:15 - 10:20 (CET)Welcome
Vincent FAVREL, Head of Unit D3 (Sustainable Blue Economy), CINEA
- 10:20 - 10:30 (CET)Introduction to CINEA
Dirk BECKERS, Director CINEA
- 10:30 - 10:45 (CET)The EU Mission Ocean and Waters Charter
The EU Mission Ocean and Waters Charter
Andreea STRACHINESCU, Head of Unit A1 (Maritime Innovation, marine knowledge and investments), DG MARE
- 10:45 - 10:55 (CET)Opening speech: setting the policy content
Charlina VITCHEVA, Director General DG MARE, European Commission
- 10:55 - 11:15 (CET)EMFAF blue careers Call for Proposals
EMFAF blue careers Call for Proposals
Andy KONTOUDAKIS, Policy Officer A1 (Maritime Innovation, marine knowledge and investments), DG MARE
Sonia KARASAVVIDOU, Call Coordinator, D3 (Sustainable Blue Economy), CINEA
- 11:15 - 11:25 (CET)Q&A
- 11:25 - 11:40 (CET)Coffee break
- 11:40 - 12:20 (CET)EMFAF regional flagships call for proposals
- 12:20 - 12:40 (CET)Q&A, including administration and financial aspects
- 12:40 - 14:00 (CET)Lunch break
- 14:00 - 14:10 (CET)How to write a successful proposal: tips and tricks
How to write a successful proposal: tips and tricks
Vincenzo GENTE, Programme Coordination Manager, D3 (Sustainable Blue Economy), CINEA
- 14:10 - 14:30 (CET)Why is it important to think about “life after a grant” – tips for preparing a legacy (business plan)
Why is it important to think about “life after a grant” – tips for preparing a legacy (business plan)
- Synergies and clustering between maritime projects EMFF contract - Anna KESICKA, COGEA,
- ASSESS project - Maritime Technology Cluster FVG - Carlo KRASKOVIC, Project manager,
- Synergies and clustering between maritime projects EMFF contract - Anna KESICKA, COGEA,
- 14:30 - 14:50 (CET)Fostering synergies at seabasin level
Fostering synergies at seabasin level
Iglika YAKOVA, Deputy Head of Unit A3 Sea-basin Strategies, Maritime Regional Cooperation and Maritime Security)
Javier FERNANDEZ, ECORYS, Technical Director, Seabasin Assistance Mechanism
- 14:50 - 15:00 (CET)Coffee break
- 15:00 - 17:00 (CET)B2B matchmaking
Practical information
With a budget of € 7.5 million, the Blue careers call aims to contribute to the development of the next generation of blue skills and to provide opportunities for attractive, sustainable maritime careers.
The regional flagship call, with a budget of around € 7.6 million, will focus on EU sea basins cooperation, in particular in the Atlantic, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea Region and the EU Outermost Regions. It will address six different topics: diversification of fisheries activities, marine pollution, sustainable transport, maritime clusters, sustainable tourism and ocean farming.
Speakers from CINEA and DG MARE presented the application process for the EMFAF calls, providing tips and tricks on how to write a successful proposal. They also explained how to prepare a legacy plan to continue the project after the end of the grant. Finally, participants had the chance to take part in matchmaking sessions to find new partners.
If you have questions about the calls for proposals please contact
The Data Protection Notice for this EMFAF Info day can be found here.