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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • Conferences and summits

The 5th European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA 2021)

The European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA 2021) is a high level event taking place on 22 June and co-organised by the European CommissionJPI Climate and three Horizon 2020 projects managed by CINEA (SINCERECASCADES and RECEIPT). In the run-up to the big event, ECCA 2021 is organising from 25 May to 10 June 2021 a series of 9 webinars on pressing climate change adaptation challenges.

On Monday 31 May you can participate at the webinar organised by CASCADES: 360° view of climate impacts: experiencing the future to plan adaptation.

On Tuesday 1 June is the turn of RECEIPT project to organise a webinar entitled: Coping with sea level rise: strategies for coastal and island communities.

You can take part in these webinars by registering at the ECCA 2021 website or following live on Youtube.

Attendees registered at the event will have the opportunity to actively participate in the conference in many different ways and to network with other participants in the virtual marketplace, including the possibility to book 1-on-1 meetings.

We invite you to visit the marketplace and check CINEA’s project: RECEIPT, ENBEL, S2S4E, INNOVA and PROSNOW and engage with them.

  • adaptation to climate change | climate change
  • Tuesday 25 May 2021, 13:15 - Tuesday 22 June 2021, 16:00 (CEST)
  • Live streaming available

Practical information

Tuesday 25 May 2021, 13:15 - Tuesday 22 June 2021, 16:00 (CEST)
European Commission
ECCA 2021
