Get involved as an Expert for Green Assist - European Commission
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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

Get involved as an Expert for Green Assist

The Green Assist advisory initiative has set up a Roster of Experts to ensure that CINEA and its contractor (Ecorys) can promptly identify the right profiles to support the advisory service requests coming in from private and public project promoters in need of assistance - hereby the beneficiaries.

In order to ensure a constant level of expertise is available within the Roster, CINEA has launched a rolling campaign for experts demonstrating “on the ground” advisory expertise. Experts should bring in experience in providing advisory services and supporting private and public entities developing their projects and investments, and addressing economic or financial obstacles associated with greening projects.

What is in it for me?

Enrolment in the GREEN ASSIST Roster of Experts will allow you to:

  • Contribute: do your share to support the implementation of the EU Green Deal;
  • Advise: get the recognition of your expertise through participation in an ambitious advisory initiative in the remit of InvestEU;
  • Participate: engage in challenging assignments where you will support project promoters transform their ideas into real projects for a competitive remuneration;
  • Learn:  acquire new knowledge of the EU green deal objectives/trends and participate in knowledge sharing, training and networking opportunities with peers and representatives from EU institutions.

Do I have the right profile?

In this section you will find some clarifications on expert profiles and required competences. It should be noted that GREEN ASSIST will be implemented dynamically to maximize its efficiency based on recommendations from its stakeholders. The Roster of Experts will be continuously populated based on the needs expressed in the requests for advisory services received, constantly seeking to address possible gaps (sectoral, geographical, or thematic) of expertise. 

There is no strict nor set in stone “right” profile to join the Roster, although we have identified some threshold criteria and areas of expertise to ensure experts joining the Roster have the relevant competences to support GREEN ASSIST advisory services.

Threshold criteria

In order to be admitted to join the Roster, experts should have as a minimum:

  • At least a Master degree in a relevant field (these include but are not limited to Economics, Environmental sciences, Finance, Engineering)
  • Proficiency in English (at least C1 level)
  • At least 4 years of experience in at least 1 field (each) under the Sectorial and Competence areas listed below.

Sectoral Expertise

  • Natural capital and biodiversity
  • Circular Economy 
  • Climate change adaptation and natural hazards
  • Sustainable spatial design           
  • Environmental remediation (of air, water, soil)
  • Greening non-environmental sectors
  • Climate mitigation


  • Business modelling and market studies
  • Assessments and evaluation
  • Financing
  • Other, such as market and sectors studies, standards and certifications.

Keep in mind that experience in providing advisory services on the ground in the domains above will always be considered when assessing your application. This entails experience directly supporting and interfacing with public and private project promoters (from local authorities to SMEs) to design and implement investments at the local level.

How should I apply?

If you have a relevant profile and you are interested and available, please proceed with the following steps:

  1. Open the link to the EUSurvey and:
    1. Give your consent for data processing after having carefully read the GREEN ASSIST Data Protection Notice,
    2. Fill in the questionnaire;
    3. Upload your CV in the questionnaire on EUSurvey. Please note that CVs must be in English and preferably in Europass format. Clearly indicate your name and surname in the attachment title.
    4. For any questions or concerns contact us:
    5. (optionally) we invite you also to register on the EU Expert data base;

Please note that only experience fully documented by both the application form and the CV will be taken into consideration.

If I am validated to join the Roster, what should I expect?

If you are validated, Ecorys will notify you. Your profile will then be registered in our database.  If you are enrolled in the Roster, you may be solicited to provide advisory services if an incoming request for support matches your profile. It should be noted though that being part of the Roster does not per-se ensure or guarantee that you will be appointed to provide advisory services.

In addition, you will be part of the community of GREEN ASSIST experts and as such, you will have the opportunity to participate in community and knowledge sharing activities. You will also have access to the Expert Help-desk if you have questions or want to share ideas for the community.

On what basis will the contractor match Experts’ profiles with a request for advisory services?

The contractor will carry out the matching after a thorough analysis of the needs of advisory services expressed by the beneficiaries. Based on this analysis and discussion, the contractor will prepare a draft assignment fiche documenting the expected profiles, competences and role of one or more experts that would be needed to support the advisory request. The contractor will then compare the expertise required with the expertise available in the Roster, taking account the availability and proximity, as well as criteria such as sectorial expertise, competences, language and familiarity with the specific context. Experts identified for a given assignment will be presented to the beneficiary in the context of tripartite interviews, based on which the final scope of work (workdays, milestones, deliverables, etc…) will be fine-tuned. The expert and the contractor will then sign a contract and the assignment will start.

In case I am selected for an assignment, what will be the terms of my engagement?

The terms for your engagement will be finalised by the contractor in the context of the matching process. The terms of engagement will reflect standard elements as well as the components jointly agreed with the beneficiary (number of workdays, milestones, deliverables, etc). The duration of an advisory assignments may vary, on average they might last from two to six months. We offer a competitive remuneration. The basic fee starts from € 450 for a junior and € 750 for a senior expert. Our payment scheme is flexible and fees will be determined based on a set of parameters, such the seniority and profile of the expert and the specific assignment needs.

In the context of an assignment, will CINEA intermediate the discussion between the expert and the beneficiary?

No, after matching, the expert will interface directly with the beneficiary to meet its obligations to provide the deliverables. When working jointly on an advisory assignment it is critical that expert and beneficiary show a high degree of accountability (complying with the terms of their respective commitments) and transparency toward each other. Expertise and accountability combined will result in qualitative, independent and effective deliverables that should truly enable the beneficiary to improve the environmental performance of its investment.

The Expert will also report to the contractor about its progress. This reporting will take the form of an interim report and final report. Additionally, the expert will report any difficulties to the contractor through a dedicated help-desk.

Other Frequently Asked Questions “FAQs”

Check further FAQs in this document.