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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency


Decision on transparency

When meeting with interest representatives, CINEA applies strict transparency rules in line with European Commission Decision (EU) 2024/3082. These rules require that:

  1. All interest representatives wishing to meet with CINEA managers should be registered in the Transparency Register
  2. Information about and minutes of such meetings shall be published within 2 weeks following the date of the meeting.

Meeting minutes

All meetings involving CINEA managers (Head of Unit, Head of Department and Director) and interest representatives should be the subject of information and minutes, with the exception of meetings with public authorities of the Member States or of third countries at all levels, spontaneous meetings or meetings taking place in the context of established legal or administrative procedures or based on a contractual relationship with the Commission.

The following information on meetings must be made public:

  • the date and location of the meeting;
  • the name of the CINEA representative holding management functions (Head of Unit, Head of Department, Director);
  • the name of the interest representative (organisation or self-employed individual);
  • the subject of the meeting.

CINEA Management meetings with interest representatives

The table below contains the list of meetings and the corresponding minutes for the current calendar year.


Meeting date and locationCINEA representativeInterest representativeSubject of meeting