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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • Call for tenders
  • Closed

Mission Ocean, Seas and Waters Implementation Support Platform – Overall Mission Coordination and Monitoring; European Blue Parks Technical Assistance; Citizen Engagement

Prior information notice


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Opening of tenders


The mission implementation support platform will provide one-stop-shop to assist with the mission implementation. It will provide access to knowledge, support and technical assistance to mission partners. It will set up mission implementation monitoring and reporting framework, integrate monitoring and reporting from mission activities and ensure quantitative and qualitative analysis. It will set up a process to integrate actions and solutions from mission partners and other actors in the mission and link this process with the mission lighthouses, in cooperation with the lighthouse coordination and support actions. The platform will facilitate and assist private and public investors and donors to trigger investments across the mission activities. The platform will support cooperation with regions, to prepare and effect the transfer of approaches and results from mission lighthouses and to scale them up. The platform will support mission outreach and communication activities. It will comprise the European Blue Parks technical platform, which will support the Blue Parks initiative in decisions over active and passive restoration in marine protected areas, extension of marine protected areas and their effective management among others through innovative approaches to assessing and managing most important pressures. The platform will integrate knowledge dissemination to support the Blue Parks initiative.

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