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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
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Support to a robust model assessment, benchmark and development of a management strategy evaluation for cod in NAFO Division 3M

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)


ISBN: 978-92-9460-207-7, doi: 10.2826/740627, EA-02-20-642-EN-N
Publication date
15 January 2020
Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises


The purpose of this specific study is to provide the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) and the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Scientific Council with technical and scientific analysis to: 

  • Address the shortcomings of the current assessment model, identified by the NAFO Working Group on Risk Based Management Strategies (WG-RBMS) (NAFO FC/SC 15/02), the Scientific Council (SC) (NAFO SCS 15/12) and the Fisheries Commission (FC) (NAFO/FC 15/23) in 2015.
  • Support the development of the 3M cod benchmark process within NAFO.
  • Develop and test the robustness of various Harvest Control Rules (HCR) for cod in Div. 3M to achieve the management objectives to be established by the FC.
Support to a robust model assessment, benchmark and development of a management strategy evaluation for cod in NAFO Division 3M_1


  • 15 JANUARY 2020
Support to a robust model assessment, benchmark and development of a management strategy evaluation for cod in NAFO Division 3M