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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
CB RES renewables
Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism

Facilitating investments in renewable energy projects

The EU Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism (RENEWFM) supports new renewable energy projects. It encourages a greater uptake of renewable energy sources across the EU. This will help the EU to achieve its target of the renewable energy share in the final energy consumption by 2030 in a cooperative and cost-effective manner.

The main objective of the EU Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism is to enable EU countries to work together in the take-up and promotion of renewables.
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The EU Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism has a cooperative nature: it allows all countries that take part in it to share the statistical benefits of the produced renewable energy.

Check the Commission's regulations and directives that provide the overall framework for this programme.

Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism

How to take part?

To take part in the RENEWFM as hosts or contributors, the EU countries should respond to the official call for expression of interest launched by the European Commission once a year. To take part in the RENEWFM as project developers, the companies should respond to the call for proposals, once it is published.

Do you want to finance or host renewable energy projects? Express your interest via the link!

Are you are a renewable energy project developer and looking for funding? Check the calls for proposals page!

For more information regarding RENEWFM please send your question to the functional mail box

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