Communication toolkit for contractors - service contracts - European Commission Skip to main content
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Communication toolkit for contractors - service contracts


Contractor: an external provider of services purchased by CINEA through a specific or a service contract. Under the specific or service contract, the contractor may provide some communication-related services, which will have to be compliant with the EC communication requirements as outlined in this toolkit. The communication-related services mostly consist in producing the content for social media, websites, newsletters, different publications such as leaflets, videos, reports, etc. The contractor acts on behalf of CINEA, which is the contracting authority.

EC Visual Identity elements

As a CINEA contractor you must comply to various degrees with the European Commission visual identity rules. 

All the information can be found in the specific manual or in the specific guide.

Please note that the use of the EC Square Sans font is an obligation only if a contractor produces a publication on CINEA’s behalf.


All the official publications from the contract must comply with the visual identity of the European Commission, have identifiers supplied by the Publications Office of the European Union (OP) and should be archived in the EU bookshop. The identifiers for publications will be requested by the CINEA Project Manager.

Template for reports and publications


If you need to create a newsletter, please liaise with your Project Manager. Access rights to the EC system Newsroom environment will be given by the CINEA Communication team once confirmed by the Project Manager.

A specific data protection notice must be created for the newsletters managed by the contractor. The Project Manager will assist the contractor for this.

Social Media

New accounts are not allowed (on X, LinkedIn, Meta or other social media platforms). Please, use the existing ones (e.g. CINEA, MARE) channels.

Remember to tag @cinea_eu and @EU_MARE on X and use the hashtags #EMFF / #EMFAF on all your posts. You can also find CINEA on LinkedIn and YouTube.

For more information, please check our Social Media Moderation Policy.


If you are managing a contract with several communication activities, you will likely create a website or online platform to manage the communication with all stakeholders. In this case it is important to always use the following disclaimer:

The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of [name of the implementing partner] and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. The content has been prepared for informational purposes only, and should not be considered legally-binding in any nature. The authors are not responsible for the content of external websites referred to by hyperlink (if relevant). The illustrative maps shown on the country pages should not be interpreted as a legal representation of jurisdictional boundaries (if relevant).

It is also important to publish a data protection notice (DPN) on your website so that it is available to end users visiting your page.