Circular economy and quality of life - European Commission
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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

Circular economy and quality of life

Circular economy and quality of life sub-programme

The Circular economy and quality of life sub-programme aims at facilitating the transition toward a sustainable, circular, toxic-free, energy-efficient and climate-resilient economy and at protecting, restoring and improving the quality of the environment, either through direct interventions or by supporting the integration of those objectives in other policies.

Thus, LIFE will continue to co-finance projects in the environmental sector, in particular in the area of the circular economy, including recovery of resources from waste, water, air, noise, soil and chemical management as well as environmental governance. The sub-programme provides mostly action grants for projects implementing innovative and best practice solutions in these areas through the so-called Standard Action Projects (SAP). It also covers the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EU environmental policy and law through the so-called Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs). The European Commission will continue to look for solutions that are ready to be implemented in close-to-market conditions, at industrial or commercial scale, during the project duration.

Call for proposals

All LIFE calls for proposals are published on CINEA's website as well as the European Commission’s Funding & Tenders portal.

Proposals can only be submitted electronically through the Funding & Tenders portal.

Information including the legislation and rules for participation, templates for proposals, evaluations and project reporting can be accessed on the Funding & Tenders Portal.