2021 CEF Transport call for proposals - Commission européenne Aller au contenu principal
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
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2021 CEF Transport call for proposals

The 2021 CEF Transport call for proposals makes €7 billion available to support infrastructure projects across the European Union.


Date de publication
16 septembre 2021
Date de début
Modèle de date limite
Étape unique
Date limite
19 janvier 2022, 17 h 00 (CET)


CINEA has launched a call for proposals under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport funding instrument, which makes €7 billion available for projects aiming to build, upgrade and improve European transport infrastructure.

Virtual information days on the call will take place on:

What projects are eligible for funding?

The call for proposals supports Actions under the General, Cohesion and Military Mobility envelopes concerning:

  • Infrastructure projects on the Core and Comprehensive TEN-T (railways, inland waterways, maritime and inland ports, roads, rail-road terminals and multimodal logistics platforms)
  • Smart applications for transport (ERTMS, ITS, SESAR, RIS, etc.)
  • Transport interoperability
  • Alternative fuels infrastructure (including electricity fast-charging and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure on the TEN-T road network). As regards recharging points for EVs & HDVs only, please check the eligibility on this map (select “layers” then “AFIF eligibility maps”).
  • Motorways of the Sea
  • Multimodal passenger hubs
  • Reduction of rail freight noise
  • Safe and secure parking infrastructure
  • Road safety
  • Improvement of transport infrastructure resilience, in particular to climate change and natural disasters
  • Adaptation of transport infrastructure for Union external border checks purposes
  • Adaptation of the TEN-T to civilian-defence dual-use (Military Mobility envelope)


National Contact points

A list of national contact points for CEF Transport is available for potential applicants (privacy statement).

Call matrix




Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Facility 
Envelope General (€1.2 billion)  Cohesion (€375 million)
Topics Recharging points for EVs and HDVs

Zero-emission fuels

Low-emission fuels Recharging points for EVs and HDVs Zero-emission fuels Low-emission fuels




Adaptation of the TEN-T to civilian-defence dual use   
Envelope Military Mobility (€330 million)   
Topics Adaptation of the TEN-T to civilian-defence dual use - studies

Adaptation of the TEN-T to civilian-defence dual use - works (mixed)