- Publication date
- 15 June 2023
- Author
- European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA)’s implementation of EU-funded projects, notably under the Horizon Europe programme for research and innovation, makes an important contribution towards achieving the EU’s strategic goals for more sustainable aviation. Since 2014, CINEA has implemented 158 aviation-related research and innovation projects worth €815 million in EU funding, covering topics from alternative energy to air quality and noise reduction, green airports to safety and digitalisation and much more.
CINEA also develops synergies between EU programmes to facilitate a successful deployment of green innovation in aviation.
- The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) supports aviation-related infrastructure, notably in the areas of Electrification, Air Traffic Management and Alternative Fuels deployment. Since 2014, 89 aviation-related projects have received €1.6 billion in EU funding from CEF.
- The Innovation Fund, financed by credits from the Emissions Trading System, supports all decarbonisation initiatives, in particular in the field of non-CO2 fuels for transport.
- The LIFE programme supports projects covering environmental aspects of transport.