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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
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The implementation of ecosystem-based approaches applied to fisheries management under the CFP

Final report


ISBN 978-92-95225-57-2, PDF HZ-09-22-512-EN-N, DOI 10.2926/57956
Publication date
15 September 2022
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency


The Common Fisheries Policy states that an Ecosystem-Based Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) needs to be implemented. This study provides a state-of-play of the implementation of EAFM in the North and Baltic Seas, Western Atlantic and Outermost Regions. At the core of this assessment, the study identified three types of “EAFM challenges” that need to be addressed in order to advance EAFM. In addition, typologies were developed for the main EAFM components (fisheries, management measures and policy instruments), and used to assess the available fisheries management information. The analyses revealed that existing measures are largely targeting only one type of EAFM challenge, i.e. mitigating fishing impacts using both input and output measures. Although a lack of consolidated information on existing management measures prevented a full indepth assessment, some key obstacles were identified in the governance arrangements that should facilitate an EAFM. The advisory process should build on a transdisciplinary knowledge base, integrating various interdisciplinary scientific and local indigenous (e.g. fisher) knowledge to consider the full social-ecological system. Including context and stakeholder interests in decisionmaking can enhance the feasibility, appropriateness and impact of chosen management measures. The uptake of scientific advice beyond single-species stock assessments into decision-making should also be improved.

cover of report


  • 15 SEPTEMBER 2022
The implementation of ecosystem-based approaches applied to fisheries management under the CFP