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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
News article3 January 2024European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency2 min read

What’s new for LIFE in 2024

Looking ahead to LIFE Programme highlights in the next 12 months.

© European Union, 2023

New LIFE Strategic Integrated Projects and Strategic Nature Projects  

Details of the latest round of Strategic Integrated Projects (SIPs) and Strategic Nature Projects (SNAPs) to receive LIFE funding from the LIFE 2022 calls for proposals will be released in February.       

SNAPs aim to implement Prioritised Action Frameworks (PAFs) or other plans or strategies at international, national, multi-regional or regional levels. This is carried out by nature and biodiversity authorities responsible for implementing EU nature and/or biodiversity policy or legislation.  

Find out more here.   

Results of the LIFE 2023 calls for proposals  

SIPs support Member States to implement environmental and climate plans, programmes and strategies at regional, multi-regional or national level, with a specific focus on the circular economy, waste, and water and air quality. The deadline for submitting full SIP proposals is 5 March 2024.

The results of the LIFE 2023 Calls for proposals are due to be published later this year. Find more details here.   

LIFE 2024 calls for proposals      

Keep a close eye on the Funding & tender opportunities portal, as all the LIFE 2024 Calls for proposals are expected to be published there on 18 April 2024. CINEA will hold virtual information sessions from 23 to 26 April 2024 to guide potential applicants through the LIFE 2024 calls for proposals. See the LIFE YouTube channel for previous recordings.   

LIFE Awards 2024    

The 18th LIFE Awards will once again recognise the most innovative and successful LIFE projects in three categories: nature, environment and climate action. The awards ceremony takes place during EU Green Week - Europe’s largest environmental event. Its precise date will be disclosed in the forthcoming months.     

European Sustainable Energy Week 2024     

In June, LIFE hosts the most significant event on renewables and efficient energy use in Europe – European Sustainable Energy Week. 2024’s theme is ‘Net-zero competitiveness driving EU energy transition’ and applications are already open. If you’re planning to hold a policy session, host a stand at the Energy Fair, or compete in the EUSEW Awards, watch the 2024 info session here.      

Third-party events     

LIFE will again feature in several relevant third-party events across Europe in 2024, including CINEA or LIFE information stands and expert speakers participating in appropriate sessions. Some examples of third-party events in 2024 include but are not limited to eceee Zero Carbon Industry 2024 (30-31 January), World Circular Economy Forum 2024 (15-18 April), EU Maritime Days 24 (30-31 May), and Pollutec (26-27 November).   


LIFE will continue to publish factsheets and infographics on important priority issues throughout 2024. Check here regularly for updates.  

Keep in touch!    

Don’t forget to stay up-to-date with all LIFE news on LIFE’s X (Twitter), LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram pages, or sign up for our monthly LIFE Newsletter and Clean Energy Newsletter. 


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