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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
News article22 April 2024European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency1 min read

CEF Energy: ‘Gabreta Smart Grids’ kicks off grid digitalisation project

CEF Energy Gabreta Opening

On 15 April, with a symbolic connection of two power cables, the ‘Gabreta Smart Grids’ project celebrated its official kick off. Political representatives and the CEOs of the E.ON companies in charge of the project (Bayernwerk and EG.D.) attended the opening event that took place in Neunburg vorm Wald (Germany).

Gabreta is a cross-border project that contributes to the implementation of the Project of Common Interest (PCI) 10.11 aiming at the digitalisation of the energy distribution networks in Bavaria and Czechia, by strengthening and modernising the electrical infrastructure (i.e.: new MV substations and lines), installing new communication equipment (i.e.: optical fibre and power line communication), smart components (i.e.: monitoring and remote-control devices) and developing the ICT based control system and applications.

In order to achieve this goal, the project counts on EUR 100 million of EU funding under the CEF Energy programme, which amounts to half of the starting investment. The EU grant will contribute to increase grid hosting capacity, enable remote monitoring and control of MV grids and improve grid observability and network planning.

Gabreta will be instrumental to modernise the distribution grid in the border region. These developments will increase the flexibility, security and quality of supply of the electrical grid, enabling the integration of decentralised renewables and contributing to the broader goals of the European Green Deal. Completing this complex project by the end of 2028 will require unwavering dedication and commitment. CINEA will remain devoted to collaborating with all stakeholders, helping to ensure the success of this project. We are confident that Gabreta will exemplify the power of cross-border cooperation to improve lives of our citizens,” said Olivier SILLA from CINEA, who participated in the opening event remotely.

The implementation will be carried out by the respective network subsidiaries of the two companies, Bayernwerk Netz GmbH and the Czech network company EG.D., in an area that covers almost 70,000 square kilometers.

Gabreta Smart Grids is scheduled to run until the end of 2028.


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