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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
News article4 July 2024European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency2 min read

CEF Energy: four preparatory studies selected for funding under cross-border renewables

CB RES sectors

Following the publication of the 2023 CEF Energy call for preparatory studies for cross-border renewable energy (CB RES) projects, opened for applications from 21 September 2023 to 9 January 2024, four projects have been selected requesting a total of EUR 1,02 million of EU funding, which represents an oversubscription of the call.

The awarded projects involve five EU countries (Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, Germany and Poland), and cover different sectors such as offshore wind, green hydrogen and solar PV.

The beneficiaries will carry out the studies needed to assess the feasibility of the projects and/or to prepare their implementation.

  • Madoqua Green Fuels Terminal Lda: Madoqua aims to build a green fuel storage and bunkering terminal at the Port of Sines (Portugal), powered by solar PV installations. The project will accelerate large scale deployment of renewable generation to be transformed into green methanol, biogenic CO2 and green ammonia, and exported to other EU Member States in Northwestern Europe hub.


  • Cross-border Pomeranian Green Hydrogen Cluster: the goal of the project is to develop a cluster comprising wind and photovoltaic production sites, electrolysers and ancillary pipeline installations that will connect the renewable power and hydrogen production facilities with the end customers.


  • Cross-border cooperation on potential offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea: potential offshore radial wind farm in the Danish part of the Baltic Sea, connected to the German electricity grid. This CB RES preparatory study action will focus on mapping the feasibility of such a project and the regulatory framework. 


  • Hanseatic Wind: the action will study a potential future offshore wind farm in the North Sea to be connected to a high voltage direct current (HVDC) hybrid interconnection. Thanks to the hybrid interconnection, the offshore wind farm will be able to reach consumers in two countries (Germany and Scotland), optimising the integration of renewables. 

The duration of the studies will be between 12 and 24 months. Once completed, if the concepts prove to be successful, the projects may consider applying to the CB RES status call.

CB RES Background

The cross-border renewable energy window under CEF Energy promotes cross-border cooperation between Member States in the field of planning, development and the cost-effective exploitation of renewable energy sources, as well as facilitate their integration through energy storage facilities and with the aim of contributing to the Union’s long term decarbonisation strategy, completing the internal energy market and enhancing the security of supply.

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