Studies fostering cross programme synergies and links in support of the implementation of the Mission - European Commission Skip to main content
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
  • Call for tenders
  • Closed

Studies fostering cross programme synergies and links in support of the implementation of the Mission

This call for tenders is launched and managed by the CINEA. The subject of this call for tenders is Studies fostering cross programme synergies and links in support of the implementation of the Mission (HORIZON-MISS-2022-OCEAN-PP-02).


Publication date
Deadline date
Opening of tenders
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency


The implementation of the Mission Ocean and Waters requires support studies to foster synergies between different EU, national, regional (including macroregional and sea basins) programmes/funds and strategies/plans and to determine synergies between these programs to ensure effective implementation of its objectives and targets.

This invitation to tender will result in the conclusion of a direct contract for the provision of a study with the overall objective of enhancing achievement of the objectives of the Mission Ocean and Waters with the support of synergies, meant as joint or coordinated efforts among projects to achieve greater impact and efficiency not achievable through individual actions.

Have a look at the call tenders text for detailed information.