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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
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Innovative techniques for Facies Weald and Utrillas mine restoration

LIFE16 ENV/ES/000159. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions

LIFE TECMINE developed and tested innovative ways of addressing the negative environmental impacts of mining on Mediterranean forests. The project team's work covered an area of 27 hectares across four mining sites in Spain. It has focussed its activities on the restoration of an area formed in the Early Cretaceous period that occupies more than 35% of the Valencia region. Specifically, during the project three mining concessions (Fortuna, no. 1845; Silex, no. 1782; and Capricho, no. 1667) located in Ademuz were restored. These three mines are currently exempt for restoration according to the existing legislation.

Their techniques, which addressed ecological and social issues, have been applied to siliceous sands, kaolin and clay quarry mining, focusing on new approaches to enhance landscape integration, limit water erosion and improve biodiversity. New activities like ecotourism started in the restored areas.

The team's approach has been replicated in other mines in Spain and Sweden.

The LIFE TECMINE project won the 2023 LIFE Award in the Citizens Award category