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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

Public Central Register for Data Protection

Horizontal matters

Processing operation Controller Record n° Description of processing operation
HO-1 Internal control activities Department A - Programme Support & Resources  2020-005/R-HOR-01 Data processing related to activities performed in the field of internal control
HO-2 Accounting Director Office 2024-006/DO-HOR-02 Data processing related to accounting operations in CINEA.
HO-3 Cascade system of contacts for BCP Unit A4-IT 2020-024/R4-HOR-3 Collection of personal contact details of staff to set up and manage a cascade list for the purpose of business continuity management.

Human resources

Processing operation Controller Record n° Description of processing operation
HR-1 Recruitment procedure Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-001/R4-HR-01 Processing of personal data related to selection and recruitment procedures of Staff (including e-Recruitment tool).
HR-2 Spontaneous CV management Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-002/R4-HR-02 Processing of personal data in relation to the management of spontaneous applications.
HR-3 Internal & Inter-Agency mobility Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-009/R4-HR-03 Processing of personal data related to mobility procedures within the Agency or among Executive Agencies.
HR-4 Assessment of staff after probationary period Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-003/R4-HR-04 Processing of personal data related to the annual appraisal and possible reclassification of staff members (CAs& TAs), including assessment of ability to work in a third a language as well as evaluation of internship for Bluebook trainees.
HR-5 Staff evaluation Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-004/R4-HR-05 Processing of personal data related to the annual appraisal and possible reclassification of staff members (CAs& TAs), including assessment of ability to work in a third a language as well as evaluation of internship for Bluebook trainees.
HR-6 Time management Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-008/R4-HR-06 Processing of personal data in relation to time management. (Working Time, Leaves and Absences, Work Time Patterns and Flexible Work Arrangements).
HR-7 Remuneration & allowances Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-09/R4-HR-07 Processing of personal data related to remuneration & allowances granted to staff members.
HR-8 Initial grading and determination of rights Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-12/R4-HR-8 Processing of personal data to determine the grade & rights of new staff member.
HR-9 Termination of contracts & exit interview Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-10/R4-HR-09 Processing of personal data related to termination of contract of staff members.
HR-10 Renewal of contracts Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-13/R4-HR-10 Processing of personal data related to renewal of contract of staff members (CAs, TAs ).
HR-11 Administrative certificates Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-14/R4-HR-11 Processing of personal data related to administrative certificates issued to staff members.
HR-12 Learning and Development Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-15/R4-HR-12 Processing of personal data related to training of staff members.
HR-13 Personal files Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-16/R4-HR-13 Data processing related to management of personal files of staff members.
HR-14 Processing of health related data Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-17/R4-HR-14 Processing of health related personal data of staff members (including pre-employment visit and annual medical examination, etc.)
HR-15a Anti-harassment policy - Inter-agency network & selection of Confidential Counsellors Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-29/R4-HR-15a Processing of personal data within the framework of the anti-harassment policy
HR-15 b Anti-harassment policy Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-29/R4-HR-15b Processing of personal data within the framework of the anti-harassment policy
HR-16 Administrative inquiries and disciplinary procedures Unit A4-Human Resources 2021-1/R4-HR-16 Processing of personal data during administrative inquiries & disciplinary procedures.
HR-17 Reimbursement & Payment relating to staff costs Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-019/R4-HR-17 Processing of personal data related to various reimbursement & payments of staff related costs (public transport, European School & OIB (crèche/garderie) & for children's transport to European Schools).
HR-18 Ethics Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-021/R4-HR-18 Processing of personal data related to ethics.
HR-19 Whistleblowing Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-22/R4-HR-19 Processing of personal data related to whistleblowing procedures
HR-20 Use of a 360° feedback tool on management competencies Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-018/R4-HR-20 Processing of personal data to allow CINEA managers to obtain anonymous and voluntary feedback on their management style, and with the help of a coach to devise an action plan to improve these skills, if needed.
HR-21 Social Assistance - Dependent person allowance Unit A4-Human Resources 2019-003/R4-HR-21 Processing of personal data needed for the analysis of individual requests for social financial assistance, establishment of entitlement and processing of their payment.
HR-22 Social events managed by HR (St Nicolas, Away Days etc.) Unit A4-Human Resources 2019-004/R4-HR-22 Processing of personal data needed for the organisation of internal social events in CINEA for its staff (Xmas party, Away Day/team building etc) & in some cases their families (St Nicolas Party)
HR-23 Processing staff data in case of pandemic situation Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-11/A4-HR-23 Processing of personal data in the context of a pandemic situation in view of the protection of work conditions and health of staff (e.g. COVID 19)
HR-24 CINEA staff Committee Elections Unit A4-Human Resources 2020-27/R4-HR-24 Processing of personal data to organise Staff Committee Elections with the support of the Election Committee
HR-25 CINEA Who is who?  Unit A4-Human Resources 2022-02/A4-HR-25

Processing of personal data to set up the CINEA directory (Who is Who?) to promote transparency and enable staff to find contact persons

Legal matters

Processing operation Controller Record n° Description of processing operation
LEG-1 Access to documents Unit A2 and for confirmatory decision the Director 2022-001/A2-LEG-01 Processing of personal data in relation to requests for access to documents, including personal data of persons submitting the request and personal data revealed when replying to the request

 Management of Ombudsman enquiries

Unit A2 Legal Affairs  Sector 2022-004/A2-LEG-02 Processing of personal data in the framework of Ombudsman enquiries managed by the Agency
LEG-3 Management of OLAF cases Unit A2 Legal Affairs  Sector 2023-001/A2-LEG-03 Processing of personal data to prevent fraud, protect financial interest and reputation of the Agency and the EU in cooperation with OLAF
LEG-4 Treatment of personal data by the DPO Unit A2-DPO  2020-025/A2-LEG-4 Processing of personal data in relation to complaints, enquiries and notifications addressed to the Data Protection Officer (including investigations by the DPO), as well as audits
LEG-5 Use of EDES Unit A2 Legal Affairs Sector 2022-005/A2-LEG-05 Processing of personal data related to the use of the Early Detection and Exclusion System by CINEA
LEG-6 Litigation Unit A2 Legal Affairs Sector 2023-002/A2-LEG-06 Processing of personal data by CINEA during litigation operations 
LEG-7 Management of EPPO cases Unit A2 Legal Affairs Sector 2023-003/A2-LEG-07 Processing of personal data in the context of criminal investigations conducted by EPPO


Processing operation Controller Record n° Description of processing operation
COMM-1 Internal & external communication activities Unit A1-Communication  2019-002/R1-COMM-01 Processing of personal data for internal & external communication activities & events (including intranet, etc ...)
COMM-2 External events & newsletter Unit A1-Communication  2021-003/R1-COMM-02 Processing of personal data relating to external events managed by the Agency (including meetings & virtual events, use of photos taken at CINEA off site visits & missions for promotion activities, etc.)


Processing operation Controller Record n° Description of processing operation
FIN-1 Procurement procedure / Call for tenders & contracts Operational Unit in charge of the call: see DPN & tender documents 2020-007/R02-FIN-01 Processing of personal data related to procurement procedures conducted by the Agency, contract management, including processing of data of contractors.

Document Management and Logistics

Processing operation Controller Record n° Description of processing operation
DM-1 Management and (short- and medium-term) preservation of CINEA documents Unit A4 2021-005/A4-DM-1 Processing of personal data contained in files stored in the Intermediary Archives of the Agency

Operational Programmes managed by the Agency

Processing operation Controller Record n° Description of processing operation
PROG-1 Processing personal data within the framework of the CINEA Advisory Group for CEF Transport Head of Dept B  2018-001/C-PROG-01 Collection and publication of names and place of work of the members of the CINEA CEF Transport Advisory Group
PROG-2 CEF 1 Grant Agreement Management Relevant Head of Unit in Department B


Processing of personal data for managing grant agreements and action implementation under the CEF 1 legacy  programme (including the use of the TENtec IT tool)
PROG-3 Ex-post control (CEF & Legacy Programmes) Unit A2-Audit Team  2020-026/R02-PROG-03 Processing of personal data in the course of an external audit carried out for Grant Agreements managed by the Agency.
PROG-4 Grants management and registration/validation of participants via the F-T Portal Director Office 2020-028/-DO-PROG-04 Processing of personal data relating to the award, management and follow-up of grants processed viat the F-T Portal (H2020, Innovation Fund, etc).
PROG-5 Grant management under EMFF/EMFAF Unit D3 2021-006/D3-PROG-5 Processing personal data during the management of grants under the EMFF/EMFAF Programmes (outside the F&T Portal)
PROG-7 Evaluation of project proposals for the Innovation Fund Programme Unit C4 2021-002/R01-EVA-2 Processing personal data during the evaluation of project proposals for the Innovation Fund Programme (outside the F&T Portal)
PROG-8 Bridge & ETIP-SNET initiatives Unit C2 2021-004/C02-PROG-08 Processing of personal data in the framework of the Bridge & ETIP-SNET initiatives for the newsletters, working groups, minutes meeting, etc.
PROG-9 Projects & experts management under the 2014-2020 LIFE Programme (outside the Funding &Tender portal). Unit D2 2021-008/D02-PROG-09 Processing of personal data during the management of projects and experts for the implementation of the 2014-2020 LIFE Programme (outside the Funding &Tender portal).
PROG-10 Selection of members of Commission expert groups Department C 2021-007/C-PROG-09 Processing of personal data during the Selection of members of Commission expert groups to support the European Commission and CINEA in implementing the Horizon Europe Missions
PROG-11 GREEN ASSIST Unit A1- Financial Engineering 2022-003/A01-PROG-11 Processing of personal data during the selection, contracting  and  performance of  experts providing advice under the GREEN ASSIST initiative to project promoters, financial institutions & project partners


Processing operation Controller Record n° Description of processing operation
IT-1 IT Support & access management Unit A4-IT Team  2020-023/R4-IT-1 Processing of personal data related to IT support (helpdesk, rental of IT equipment for mission etc.) and related to the management of passwords and access rights.