Horizontal matters
N° | Processing operation | Controller | Record n° | Description of processing operation |
HO-1 | Internal control activities | Department A - Programme Support & Resources | 2020-005/R-HOR-01 | Data processing related to activities performed in the field of internal control |
HO-2 | Accounting | Director Office | 2024-006/DO-HOR-02 | Data processing related to accounting operations in CINEA. |
HO-3 | Cascade system of contacts for BCP | Unit A4-IT | 2020-024/R4-HOR-3 | Collection of personal contact details of staff to set up and manage a cascade list for the purpose of business continuity management. |
Human resources
N° | Processing operation | Controller | Record n° | Description of processing operation |
HR-1 | Recruitment procedure | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-001/R4-HR-01 | Processing of personal data related to selection and recruitment procedures of Staff (including e-Recruitment tool). |
HR-2 | Spontaneous CV management | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-002/R4-HR-02 | Processing of personal data in relation to the management of spontaneous applications. |
HR-3 | Internal & Inter-Agency mobility | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-009/R4-HR-03 | Processing of personal data related to mobility procedures within the Agency or among Executive Agencies. |
HR-4 | Assessment of staff after probationary period | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-003/R4-HR-04 | Processing of personal data related to the annual appraisal and possible reclassification of staff members (CAs& TAs), including assessment of ability to work in a third a language as well as evaluation of internship for Bluebook trainees. |
HR-5 | Staff evaluation | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-004/R4-HR-05 | Processing of personal data related to the annual appraisal and possible reclassification of staff members (CAs& TAs), including assessment of ability to work in a third a language as well as evaluation of internship for Bluebook trainees. |
HR-6 | Time management | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-008/R4-HR-06 | Processing of personal data in relation to time management. (Working Time, Leaves and Absences, Work Time Patterns and Flexible Work Arrangements). |
HR-7 | Remuneration & allowances | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-09/R4-HR-07 | Processing of personal data related to remuneration & allowances granted to staff members. |
HR-8 | Initial grading and determination of rights | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-12/R4-HR-8 | Processing of personal data to determine the grade & rights of new staff member. |
HR-9 | Termination of contracts & exit interview | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-10/R4-HR-09 | Processing of personal data related to termination of contract of staff members. |
HR-10 | Renewal of contracts | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-13/R4-HR-10 | Processing of personal data related to renewal of contract of staff members (CAs, TAs ). |
HR-11 | Administrative certificates | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-14/R4-HR-11 | Processing of personal data related to administrative certificates issued to staff members. |
HR-12 | Learning and Development | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-15/R4-HR-12 | Processing of personal data related to training of staff members. |
HR-13 | Personal files | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-16/R4-HR-13 | Data processing related to management of personal files of staff members. |
HR-14 | Processing of health related data | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-17/R4-HR-14 | Processing of health related personal data of staff members (including pre-employment visit and annual medical examination, etc.) |
HR-15a | Anti-harassment policy - Inter-agency network & selection of Confidential Counsellors | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-29/R4-HR-15a | Processing of personal data within the framework of the anti-harassment policy |
HR-15 b | Anti-harassment policy | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-29/R4-HR-15b | Processing of personal data within the framework of the anti-harassment policy |
HR-16 | Administrative inquiries and disciplinary procedures | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2021-1/R4-HR-16 | Processing of personal data during administrative inquiries & disciplinary procedures. |
HR-17 | Reimbursement & Payment relating to staff costs | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-019/R4-HR-17 | Processing of personal data related to various reimbursement & payments of staff related costs (public transport, European School & OIB (crèche/garderie) & for children's transport to European Schools). |
HR-18 | Ethics | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-021/R4-HR-18 | Processing of personal data related to ethics. |
HR-19 | Whistleblowing | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-22/R4-HR-19 | Processing of personal data related to whistleblowing procedures |
HR-20 | Use of a 360° feedback tool on management competencies | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-018/R4-HR-20 | Processing of personal data to allow CINEA managers to obtain anonymous and voluntary feedback on their management style, and with the help of a coach to devise an action plan to improve these skills, if needed. |
HR-21 | Social Assistance - Dependent person allowance | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2019-003/R4-HR-21 | Processing of personal data needed for the analysis of individual requests for social financial assistance, establishment of entitlement and processing of their payment. |
HR-22 | Social events managed by HR (St Nicolas, Away Days etc.) | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2019-004/R4-HR-22 | Processing of personal data needed for the organisation of internal social events in CINEA for its staff (Xmas party, Away Day/team building etc) & in some cases their families (St Nicolas Party) |
HR-23 | Processing staff data in case of pandemic situation | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-11/A4-HR-23 | Processing of personal data in the context of a pandemic situation in view of the protection of work conditions and health of staff (e.g. COVID 19) |
HR-24 | CINEA staff Committee Elections | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2020-27/R4-HR-24 | Processing of personal data to organise Staff Committee Elections with the support of the Election Committee |
HR-25 | CINEA Who is who? | Unit A4-Human Resources | 2022-02/A4-HR-25 |
Processing of personal data to set up the CINEA directory (Who is Who?) to promote transparency and enable staff to find contact persons |
Legal matters
N° | Processing operation | Controller | Record n° | Description of processing operation |
LEG-1 | Access to documents | Unit A2 and for confirmatory decision the Director | 2022-001/A2-LEG-01 | Processing of personal data in relation to requests for access to documents, including personal data of persons submitting the request and personal data revealed when replying to the request |
LEG-2 |
Management of Ombudsman enquiries |
Unit A2 Legal Affairs Sector | 2022-004/A2-LEG-02 | Processing of personal data in the framework of Ombudsman enquiries managed by the Agency |
LEG-3 | Management of OLAF cases | Unit A2 Legal Affairs Sector | 2023-001/A2-LEG-03 | Processing of personal data to prevent fraud, protect financial interest and reputation of the Agency and the EU in cooperation with OLAF |
LEG-4 | Treatment of personal data by the DPO | Unit A2-DPO | 2020-025/A2-LEG-4 | Processing of personal data in relation to complaints, enquiries and notifications addressed to the Data Protection Officer (including investigations by the DPO), as well as audits |
LEG-5 | Use of EDES | Unit A2 Legal Affairs Sector | 2022-005/A2-LEG-05 | Processing of personal data related to the use of the Early Detection and Exclusion System by CINEA |
LEG-6 | Litigation | Unit A2 Legal Affairs Sector | 2023-002/A2-LEG-06 | Processing of personal data by CINEA during litigation operations |
LEG-7 | Management of EPPO cases | Unit A2 Legal Affairs Sector | 2023-003/A2-LEG-07 | Processing of personal data in the context of criminal investigations conducted by EPPO |
N° | Processing operation | Controller | Record n° | Description of processing operation |
COMM-1 | Internal & external communication activities | Unit A1-Communication | 2019-002/R1-COMM-01 | Processing of personal data for internal & external communication activities & events (including intranet, etc ...) |
COMM-2 | External events & newsletter | Unit A1-Communication | 2021-003/R1-COMM-02 | Processing of personal data relating to external events managed by the Agency (including meetings & virtual events, use of photos taken at CINEA off site visits & missions for promotion activities, etc.) |
N° | Processing operation | Controller | Record n° | Description of processing operation |
FIN-1 | Procurement procedure / Call for tenders & contracts | Operational Unit in charge of the call: see DPN & tender documents | 2020-007/R02-FIN-01 | Processing of personal data related to procurement procedures conducted by the Agency, contract management, including processing of data of contractors. |
Document Management and Logistics
N° | Processing operation | Controller | Record n° | Description of processing operation |
DM-1 | Management and (short- and medium-term) preservation of CINEA documents | Unit A4 | 2021-005/A4-DM-1 | Processing of personal data contained in files stored in the Intermediary Archives of the Agency |
Operational Programmes managed by the Agency
N° | Processing operation | Controller | Record n° | Description of processing operation |
PROG-1 | Processing personal data within the framework of the CINEA Advisory Group for CEF Transport | Head of Dept B | 2018-001/C-PROG-01 | Collection and publication of names and place of work of the members of the CINEA CEF Transport Advisory Group |
PROG-2 | CEF 1 Grant Agreement Management | Relevant Head of Unit in Department B | Processing of personal data for managing grant agreements and action implementation under the CEF 1 legacy programme (including the use of the TENtec IT tool) | |
PROG-3 | Ex-post control (CEF & Legacy Programmes) | Unit A2-Audit Team | 2020-026/R02-PROG-03 | Processing of personal data in the course of an external audit carried out for Grant Agreements managed by the Agency. |
PROG-4 | Grants management and registration/validation of participants via the F-T Portal | Director Office | 2020-028/-DO-PROG-04 | Processing of personal data relating to the award, management and follow-up of grants processed viat the F-T Portal (H2020, Innovation Fund, etc). |
PROG-5 | Grant management under EMFF/EMFAF | Unit D3 | 2021-006/D3-PROG-5 | Processing personal data during the management of grants under the EMFF/EMFAF Programmes (outside the F&T Portal) |
PROG-7 | Evaluation of project proposals for the Innovation Fund Programme | Unit C4 | 2021-002/R01-EVA-2 | Processing personal data during the evaluation of project proposals for the Innovation Fund Programme (outside the F&T Portal) |
PROG-8 | Bridge & ETIP-SNET initiatives | Unit C2 | 2021-004/C02-PROG-08 | Processing of personal data in the framework of the Bridge & ETIP-SNET initiatives for the newsletters, working groups, minutes meeting, etc. |
PROG-9 | Projects & experts management under the 2014-2020 LIFE Programme (outside the Funding &Tender portal). | Unit D2 | 2021-008/D02-PROG-09 | Processing of personal data during the management of projects and experts for the implementation of the 2014-2020 LIFE Programme (outside the Funding &Tender portal). |
PROG-10 | Selection of members of Commission expert groups | Department C | 2021-007/C-PROG-09 | Processing of personal data during the Selection of members of Commission expert groups to support the European Commission and CINEA in implementing the Horizon Europe Missions |
PROG-11 | GREEN ASSIST | Unit A1- Financial Engineering | 2022-003/A01-PROG-11 | Processing of personal data during the selection, contracting and performance of experts providing advice under the GREEN ASSIST initiative to project promoters, financial institutions & project partners |
N° | Processing operation | Controller | Record n° | Description of processing operation |
IT-1 | IT Support & access management | Unit A4-IT Team | 2020-023/R4-IT-1 | Processing of personal data related to IT support (helpdesk, rental of IT equipment for mission etc.) and related to the management of passwords and access rights. |