- Identification
- ISBN 978-92-9405-120-2 , PDF HZ-09-24-619-EN-N, DOI 10.2926/48847
- Publication date
- 5 August 2024
- Author
- European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
This study focuses on safety aspects which are spatially relevant and defined in legal requirements. All other aspects, such as safety on board or occupational safety are not the subject of this study, nor is the evaluation of defined safety requirements with regard to their relevance.
The authors realise that safety at sea is an important aspect to ensure the coexistence of different uses. If the positive aspects of safety requirements are not addressed in this study, this is due to the clear content requirements.
All maritime sectors apply management and regulation of safety for developing sustainable and responsible maritime activities. The international legal framework in maritime safety, encompassing global regulations as set up by UNCLOS and IMO, and EU regulations, provide primary safety provisions and regulations for the member states.