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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
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Implementation of the Single European Sky and research and innovation on drones

The publication focuses on the SESAR projects supported by the CEF Transport Programme and the H2020 projects on drones.


PDF EF-02-20-120-EN-N, ISBN 978-92-9208-080-8, DOI 10.2840/149993
Publication date
2 March 2020
Innovation and Networks Executive Agency


The flyer gives an overview of the Agency's role in implementing Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) projects as well as an overview in the projects focusing on drones. Both Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport as well as Horizon 2020 projects are featured as examples.

Implementation of the Single European Sky and research and Innovation on drones


  • 3 FEBRUARY 2020
Implementation of the Single European Sky and research and innovation on drones