- Identification
- PDF EF-02-20-572-EN-N, ISBN 978-92-9208-094-5, DOI 10.2840/956130
- Publication date
- 4 May 2020
- Author
- Innovation and Networks Executive Agency
The report contains information on the progress of Agency-supported projects in the Mediterranean Core Network Corridor.
The Mediterranean Corridor is the main east-west axis in the TEN-T network south of the Alps, linking the Iberian Peninsula with the Hungarian-Ukrainian border. It follows the Mediterranean coastlines of Spain and France, crosses the Alps towards the east through Northern Italy, leaving the Adriatic coast in Slovenia and Croatia towards Hungary.
Apart from the Po River and some other canals in Northern Italy, it mainly consists of road and rail. The Work Plan also underlines the maritime dimension of the Corridor. Ports represent the main gateways for passengers and freight transport to Core Network Corridors and freight traffic is expected to double by 2030 as compared to 2010 levels. Ports also lie within very important global trade routes, such as traffics from the Sea of China through the Suez channel, traffic of short sea shipping and RoRo (Ron-on/Ron-off) services among the Corridor’s countries, and between Europe and Northern Africa.