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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
General publications

Assessment of the relevance and effect of the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive in the context of the European Green Deal

Final Report


ISBN 978-92-95225-56-5, PDF HZ-07-22-809-EN-N, DOI 10.2926/911941
Publication date
10 August 2022
European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency


The specific objective of this study was to assess the relevance and effect of the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive in the context of the European Green Deal and other relevant EU-level legislation. The study analysed the suitability of the MSP Directive and its implementation to address current and future challenges as regards the sustainable development of the Blue Economy, including the protection and preservation of the marine environment.
From its inception, the interaction between the MSP Directive and other directives was foreseen. The European Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) includes the MSP Directive and Directive 2008/56/EC, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Preamble 15 of the MSP Directive explicitly states that maritime spatial planning will contribute to achieving the aims of other directives.

cover of report


10 AUGUST 2022
Assessment of the relevance and effect of the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive in the context of the European Green Deal