
- General publications
- European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

- General publications
- European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency
Presentations of the Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum - February 2020
- Bringing nature back through LIFE - The EU LIFE programme’s impact on nature and society - October 2020
- LIFE and invertebrates: ex-post exercise 2019 summary report - 2020
- Final report of the LIFE platform meeting on nature restoration on intensified farmland - 2019
- LIFE makes a difference: nature ex-post exercise 2018 summary report - 2018
- Volunteering for nature conservation - LIFE Platform Meeting report
Publications before 2020
All the previous publications are available in the 'old' LIFE website archived in December 2018.
- LIFE and new partnerships for nature conservation - 2016
- LIFE and Climate change adaptation - 2015
- LIFE and Climate change mitigation – 2015
- LIFE and freshwater fish - 2015
- LIFE and invasive alien species - 2015
- LIFE and air quality - 2014
- LIFE and Soil protection - 2014
- Long-term impact and sustainability of LIFE Nature - 2014