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European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

Reports & payment requests (REPA):


Reports and Payment requests

​​​Reports & payment requests (REPA): The periodic report is to be submitted 60 days after the end of each reporting period. In justified cases, CEF beneficiaries may request an extension of this period.

The request shall be submitted in SyGMa (My Projects > Actions > Manage Project > Process Communications) and the extension that can be granted will not exceed 120 days of additional time (on top of the 60 days) to submit the periodic report. As beneficiary, you are invited to preferably inform CINEA Project Officer (PO) of your intention to request such an extension introducing the request in SyGMa.

As regards article 24.2(a) of the Grant Agreement (Certificate on the financial statements (CFS)), a qualified independent public officer is allowed to perform the CFS under the Connecting Europe Facility of private law entities if a public (State, region or municipality) body has control over this entity, which is owned 50% or more by that public body.

Guidance on the sampling method (and size of the sample) for the template (CFS) is available here.

Note to beneficiaries concerning the new CFS template

For the eligibility of costs related to subcontracting work/services outside the eligible or target countries that are mentioned in the call text, please read the respective FAQ.

The reporting process for CEF Actions can be found at Reporting Process – Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Action Grants.

The periodic report is to be submitted directly in the Periodic Reporting Module of the Portal (My Projects > Actions > Manage Project > Periodic Reporting > ). This module will become accessible at the end of each Reporting Period.

The periodic Report is composed of:

Technical Report.

Find the template for the Technical Report at CEF Reference Documents (Templates&forms > Project report templates > Periodic Report (CEF)).

Please note that:

  • Part A of the Technical Report will be automatically filled in with data extracted from SyGMa and also includes data from the Continuous Reporting;
  • Part B of the Technical Reporting is composed of:
    • A descriptive part, whose template can be downloaded as a Word file directly from the Tab Tech. Report (Part B) of the Project Periodic Report.
    • A Budget Forecast per WP, whose template can be downloaded as an Excel file directly from the Tab Tech. Report (Part B) of the Project Periodic Report.

 Financial Report

A Financial Report is needed individually for each Beneficiary and Affiliated Entity declaring costs.

The templates for the financial part of the Financial Report and the CFS, where applicable, are available at CEF Reference Documents (Templates&forms > Project report templates > detailed cost reporting table / Certificate on the Financial Statement (CFS)). The detailed cost reporting table can also be downloaded as an Excel file directly from the Periodic Reporting Module of the Portal.

After validation of the Financial Report, each Beneficiary and Affiliated Entity declaring costs will have to upload a Budget Forecast per RP. This template is available at CEF Reference Documents  (Templates&forms > Project report templates > …) and can also be downloaded as an Excel file directly from the Periodic Reporting Module of the Portal.

The reporting process for CEF Actions can be found at Reporting Process – Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Action Grants.

First, please make sure that the information in the Continuous Reporting Module is updated. Then, please follow the steps listed in the Reporting Process.

Regarding Part B of the technical report, please download, fill-in and upload the template available this task is to be carried out under the Tab Tech. Report (Part B) of the Project Periodic Report.

Please ensure coherence of the information (e.g. number of reporting periods and associated costs) provided in the Budget Forecast per RP (under Financial Report), in the Budget Forecast per WP (under Part B of the Technical Report) and the Technical Progress (under the Continuous Reporting).

N.B: For Grant Agreements where the grant takes the form of Unit Contributions (ERTMS, AFIF EVRI and RFN) or lLump sum, please note that Beneficiaries and Affiliated Entities do not need to include in the Periodic Report:

  1. the Budget Forecast per WP (under Part B of the Technical Report),
  2. the Budget Forecast per RP (under Financial Report),
  3. the Certificate on the Financial Statement (CFS).

Moreover, dedicated templates for the financial part of the Financial Report are available at CEF Reference Documents (Templates&forms > Project report templates > Cost Reporting Calculator …).