The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), set up in 2013 on the basis of the TEN-E Regulation as a key EU funding instrument in the sector of energy, helps to bridge the gap between the socioeconomic value at regional/European level (such as security of supply, innovation and solidarity) and the commercial viability of projects through the regulatory framework.
The revised TEN-E Regulation expected to come into force in June 2022 fully aligns the policy framework with the European Green Deal and reflects implementation experience gained since 2013. The revised TEN-E Regulation with 11 priority corridors and 3 priority thematic areas to further develop and interconnect energy networks in Europe will make a key contribution to the energy transition. It will cover new infrastructure categories eligible for EU support such as offshore electricity grids, hydrogen infrastructure and smart grids in electricity and gas.
Since its start, CEF Energy has funded 149 actions contributing to the improvement of 107 PCIs with a total financial support of €4.7 billion. So far, 96 actions have been successfully completed and 48 actions are ongoing (others terminated). These figures highlight how CEF Energy has enabled the implementation of key energy infrastructure projects, in particular cross-border electricity and gas interconnections.
About CEF Energy Infrastructure
Learn about the programme and how it will help build the energy infrastructure of the future
Discover the EU's policy on linking the energy infrastructure of EU countries
Key cross-border infrastructure projects that link the energy systems of EU countries
Public information system providing detailed information about PCIs
Check the current PCI/PMI list, adopted in November 2023 gathering key cross-border energy infrastructure projects for building a more integrated and resilient EU energy market
Check the proposals selected for grants in the field of the trans-European energy infrastructure under the call launched in 2023.
Key stakeholders
- CEF Energy National Contact Points in Member States
- European Commission - Directorate General for Energy
- ACER - Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators
- European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG)
- European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E)
- List of Authorities for evaluation
Looking for funding? Check the call for proposals
The European Commission launches one call per year to support Work & Studies for Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) in the field of trans-European energy infrastructure. Currently there is a call open, also including for the first time Project of Mutual Interest (PMIs). Deadline to apply: 22 October 2024.

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Following the 2023 call for proposals for cross-border renewable energy projects, CINEA has signed Grant Agreements with three studies and two works projects. They will supports the implementation of the already selected cross-border renewable energy projects (CB RES).

The submitted proposals represent a total of 18 countries and cover the sectors of electricity, smart grids, gas, hydrogen and cross-border CO2 networks.